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Taking Kid to the Movie

For parents, taking kid to the movie for the first time can be a good thing or bad family entertainment. We need to be full of attention to this. Here are some tips to consider:
  • The first thing we should keep in our mind, is our kid ready to watch movie in a theater? Kids are sensitive to loud noises and some of them are scared of the dark. A lot of kids see their first movie around 3 or 4 years old, but some parents wait until they are a bit older around the age 7 or 8. 
  • We have to choose the right movie for them. Don't force your kid to watch movie through something they are not ready for. 
  • Many theaters show a slew of commercials, advertisements, and trailers before the feature for almost 15 minutes, we should skip it!
  • Don't forget to bring a plenty of snacks, your favorite meal for your kids, it can be a key of survival when your kids got bored in the theater. 
  • Don't expect your kids sit through the entirely movie, give them a short break if they seem bored.
  • last but not least. Placement of the seat is very important, sit near to the isle in order to make you go out to the theater easily. and don't get too close to the screen.

This is our experience taking our son to the movie for the first time...

Few days ago, I and my husband took Vito to the movie theater, before that actually we've ever taken him to the short movie 4D theater and he was really enjoyed that. But, this is the first time he watched 2D movie, it's quite long film. We should choose the right movie and we finally chosen The Avengers - Age of Ultron. Vito really likes Hulk (the smasher) character, beside I and my husband love  Marvel movie as well, so that's why we picked this movie. 

A few minutes after we walk into the theater, Vito was so excited. We didn't skip the ads and trailers, after the film was starting, he's getting bored of the conversation. I took him out and got a short break in the lobby to prepare him one more time. His favorite character's in action and he's really happy and curious. He's eating his favorite meals and drinks; popcorn and ice tea during the film. We interacted (kept it to a whisper in order not to bother others) during the movie. Finally he adapted and enjoyed the show until the last minutes. 

Watching movie with kids must be fun. Have a great family movie entertainment!


  1. Bo et Obi love going to the movie..They already enjoy it :)

  2. Going to the movie is one of our fave family entertainment.

    Sending hugs to Bo et Obi ya, mak. :*

    Warm regards,

  3. family time is always the best time.

  4. great tips!
    might need to pay attention to the duration as well. based on my experience (my son's 1st movie was Paddington when he was 3, then more movies after that :D) 90 minutes is the maximum duration of a movie my son remain sitting in the theater.

    1. Thank you, Vita. I also always pay attention to the duration. The kid's movie duration is usually short, not more than 2 hours. :)

  5. Hulk is green monster, isn't it? Wuaah, I don't like watching it, hehe

    1. We have our own favorite character, my son loves Hulk. Hehehe


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