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Marhaban ya Ramadan

Alhamdulillah, Ramadan is here. This month is very special for us, for all Muslims around the world. Our son is still a child, I give him meaning about the month of Ramadan, the month full of blessings. Although he could not follow and attend worship of Ramadan activities in full, but this is an early stage for him to learn about Ramadan.

I will try to explain a little about Ramadan.
Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. During this month Muslims is conducting a series of religious activities. Specializes in the month of Ramadan for Muslims is reflected in the Qur'an Surah Al-Baqarah: 85.

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims will do fasting. It is the activity to restrain lust, anger ,and hunger since sunrise to sunset . All baligh Muslims must do fasting every day until Eid al-Fitr arrives.
In the evening, right after the evening prayer, Muslims continue to do tarawih. I't's a sprayers are only done during Ramadan. Tarawih, although it can be implemented individually, generally performed in jama'ah at masjid. Sometimes before do the tarawih, in certain places held a short lecture to equip the congregation in praying in question. After tarawih, usually immediately followed by 3 cycles witr prayer.

In the 17 days of Ramadan is celebrated also as the revelation of the Qur'an for the first time by the Muslim. In that event QSAl-'Alaq 1 to 5 lowered at the time of the Prophet Muhammad were in the Cave of Hira.

Laylat al-Qadr (Night resolution), is a special evening took place in the month of Ramadan. That night is said in the Qur'an in Surah Al-Qadr that is better than a thousand months. When the night was definitely not known but according to some reports, this evening falls on the 10th night of Ramadan last, on one of the odd nights of the evening of the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th. Most Muslims usually try not to miss this evening with keeping yourself awake at night, the last night of Ramadan while praying all night.

Umrah if this is done in Ramadan, it has a value and reward more than the other months. In a Hadith it is said "Umrah in Ramadan is proportional to the Hajj or pilgrimage with me." (HR: Bukhari and Muslim).

The tithe is issued a special charity during Ramadan or at the latest before the completion of the Eid prayer. Each and every Muslim who can afford to pay zakat type. The amount of tithe to be issued per individual is a sha 'staple food in the region. This amount when converted approximately equivalent to 2.5 kilograms or 3.5 liters of rice. Zakat recipients are generally determined in 8 groups (destitute, poor, amil, muallaf, slaves, gharimin, fisabilillah, Ibn sabil) but according to some scholars dedicated to the title must be advanced to the first two groups, poor and destitute.

The end of Ramadan is celebrated with joy by all Muslims worldwide. In the evening (night 1 Shawwal), commonly referred to victory tonight, they will carry a common interpretation. In Indonesia, this ritual be interesting because usually the people (Muslims) will be declared the takbir while marching around the city and the village, sometimes equipped with a drum beat (bedug). The next day, the 1st of Shawwal, which is celebrated as the feast of Eid al-Fitr, both men and women, Muslims will be thronged the mosque and the field where it will do the Eid prayer. Do two rak'ah prayers will then be terminated by two sermon on Eid. Celebration then continued with mutual forgiveness among the Muslims.


  1. Such a beautiful and blessed month that we all need to cherish...Ramadhan kareem to you, mba :)

  2. Full of blessing. Barakallah.
    Ramadan kareem to you and your family too, mbak Indah. :)

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