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Choco Balls Recipe

Chocolate is the most favorite flavor in some dishes, snacks, and beverages. It is also commonly used as a coating or fillings for some various food, yup! really tasty combining with some fruits and bread. My family really likes chocolate, I usually make some chocolate snacks. One of our favorites is choco balls, it is really easy and simple to make. Less than one hour, the dish is ready to serve.

- Biscuit (1 pack - about 250 g)
- Condensed milk (1/2 can - about 200 g)
- Chocolate paste (2 tbs)
- Chocolate meses (1 pack - about 200 g)

How to make:
Crush the biscuit until become powder, add the condensed milk and the chocolate paste, mix together to make sticky consistency, roll into balls, cover them in chocolate meses, put into fridge for a few minutes. The choco balls' ready to serve.

You can make the other choco ball variants, such adding peanut butter or other essences. In addition, you can also coat the balls with coconut or melted chocolate. Just make your own favorite and enjoy the sweets. :)


  1. Replies
    1. Memang seru simpan si bola-bola cokelat ini di kulkas. Kalo lagi pengen ngemil yang manis-manis, cukup terwakili. Sama mba, di rumah juga pada suka. Hehehe

      Thank you ya mba Ade udah berkunjung.

      Warm regards,

  2. Wah ini enak nih, ibuku juga suka bikin tiap lebaran dan dikirim ke rumah kami. Paling suka dimakannya dlm keadaan dingin abis masuk kulkas hehehe :D

    1. Hai mba April,

      Wah bikinan ibu emang selalu enak, pasti cemilannya bikin kangen ya, mba. Yup! lebih enak masukin kulkas dulu, lebih asik.

      Thanks ya mba udah mampir.

      Warm regards,

  3. Wah wah waaaah harus coba ah ini kalo weekend dikosan buat cemal cemil :D

    1. Hi Anggi,

      Iya, coba aja. Gampang. Ingredients-nya juga bisa dapetin di warung. Hehehe

      Selamat mencoba ya.


  4. Aku pernah buat, orang rumah pada doyan, hahahaha


  5. lumayan buat teman nonton dvd ini, hihihi


  6. Pernah liat ini di mana gitu lupa, akhirnya tau resepnya, makasih ya mbak :))



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