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The Benefits of Earth Hour

Earth Hour
Earth Hour campaign activities actually began in 2007 in Sidney, Australia. At that time WWF Australia, Fairfax Media, and Leo Burnett worked together to campaign reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the city. In 2008, Earth Hour became a global campaign activities attended by about 37 cities in 30 countries worldwide, and from year to year participants of Earth Hour activities is increasing.

Indonesia started following campaign activities Earth Hour since 2009, Jakarta is the first city of the event. Then, in the following years several major cities in Indonesia have also been following for the Earth Hour activities. Although held in different dates, but usually these activities held on Saturdays in the 3rd week of March, at 20.30 until 21.30. This years Earth Hour 2016 was held on March, 19. 

Some of the reasons why they are carried on the day or time include: At the end of March, the majority of countries around the world are experiencing the change of seasons, where the temperature is quite comfortable, so that will not matter if cooling or heating is switched off just for a moment. In addition, on average across the globe at 20.30 until 21.30 at the end of March will be quite dark, so that the effect of the program felt. Saturday selected because in general, it's a holiday, so it can be a moment to gather with family or friends. Earth Hour campaign is an activity sponsored by WWF (World Wildlife Fund) whose main purpose is to promote the human consciousness of the existence of global climate change that will affect the environment.

I and my family also support the Earth Hour activities by switching off all the electrical stuff that we don't need. Yesterday, around the Earth Hour time, I, my son, and my husband spent the night together in the same room and shared stories, because it's the sleeping time, so we all went to bed then. We're excited to have it. By turning off the lights or other electrical tools on the Earth Hour program, we can call this as a lifestyle friendly environment.

Here! We have to pay more attention, it's just a little step, it can give a lot of benefits, for the Earth and especially for us. So, what are the benefits of Earth Hour?
  • Energy efficiency
In general, electrical energy which we use is the result of burning of natural resources such as petroleum and coal where the supply of both fuel will not be longer available. Moreover, the process of burning both natural resources can have an impact on the emissions that could accelerate global warming. Some ways we can do to overcome these problems, such by improving energy efficiency and make energy conversion. Earth Hour program is one way to realize the energy efficiency, it's simple method that can be performed by any person, stop using electricity for about an hour in the night. By turning off the power for one hour during Earth Hour means that we have been taking part in the country's electricity cost savings as well as helping to meet the electricity demand in nearly 900 villages.
  • Global climate change
Earth hour is an activity in which one of the goals is to remind people about global climate change, this activities can give a good effect to the environmental condition, such reducing global warming as well as the emergence of various outbreaks of dangerous things. Therefore, with this activity, we can expect the whole society to participate in order to prevent things that are not desirable in the future.
  • Awareness to the environment
With Earth Hour program, it can enhance human attention about the state of the Earth as the place we live in, where the longer state of the Earth are in a condition that is quite alarming. Pursuing to undertake the actions can help in the rescue effort of Earth from natural damage.
  • Protecting the Earth
One of the benefits of Earth Hour is to protect the Earth from various damages by reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions can increase the availability of oxygen in the Earth. It's a good way not only for the Earth, but also for all the creatures in this planet and human being.
  • Celebrating the Earth Hour
In my point of view, some people prefer to celebrate Earth hour by turning off the lights and replace them with candles. Actually it has a perverse effect on the environment, because most candles are made of paraffin which is a byproduct of refined petroleum. At the time, can we imagine when thousands candles around the world starts burning? It can produce some chemical substances such as benzene, formaldehyde, and other pollutants that can cause potential harm to the air. Celebrating the Earth Hour doesn't mean we have to switch off all of the lights, just shut off the unused lights and electronics in the attempt to show our support to the Earth Hour activities. 


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