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Teaching Our Children about Ramadan

Alhamdulillah, Allah still gives us the opportunity to meet the holy month of Ramadan 1437 H. When a Muslim reaches mature age, he/she should have fast and other ibadah in Ramadan. As parents, we need to train our kids to fast and give them the meaning of Ramadan which the rewards and benefits are very plentiful. I started to introduce my son about Ramadan when he was about 4 years old.

Teaching our children about Ramadan in the early age is important. This year, it's the first time for my son doing fast. I've given him the meaning of the special month of Ramadan, even tough he's just following what I do, but I hope in the next few years he would do it for the sake and pleasure of Allah. This time I promised to give little thing as rewards if he could finish his fast from dawn to sunset, but I always explain that Allah will give him more than that.

Below are tips to teach our children about Ramadan;
  • Share and apply the Islamic principles in the family. It's is a strong and deep intention as the root of faith in doing ibadah / worship acts. Create a good atmosphere that encourages our children to fast.  
  • Share the sunnah of suhoor. There’s great reward for eating suhoor. Pick what kids want to eat for suhoor. It's better go to sleep right after Ishaa  and taraweeh prayer, do not let them sleep in late. Wake up for suhoor at least one-hour before the adhan (Fajr) in order not to eat in a rush. Pray all prayers together, after that, make dhikr together. 
  • It is an obligation for every Muslim to read and recite the Quran. Listen to murotal and do muroja'ah together more with our children.
  • Stay them away from clocks. Let the clocks call the adhan. We can create Ramadan activities, such as: Ramadan book activities for kids (we already own this), playing board game, making craft. Allow kids to play freely, if there's a mess then they have the responsibility of cleaning up.
  • Teach them to do sadaqah jariyah, alhamdulillah my son used to do that in his school.
  • When we prepare for iftaar, let the kids pick their favorite iftaar dessert and meal. 

Teaching and training our kids to fast will motivate us to fast better to become a better Mu’min. As parents we are responsible be the good role model. Maturity age for children to have fast and do prays is between 7-10 years old. This is the foundation that protects them from Hellfire, by taking steps at their young age.

"May Allah keep us on the straight path, grant us strength and health, correct our faults, grant us forgiveness, and always protect and guide us. In this Ramadan may Allah accept all our fasts." Aamiin


  1. Masha'Allah great tips, I can't wait for my son to get older so I can teach him about ramadan :)

    1. Hi Samsam,

      In the early age, my son was paying attention and questioning why we don't eat in Ramadan and asking so many other questions. I tried to explain in a very simple way. :)

      Time flies, Sam. in the next few years your son will be ready to fast and you'll teach him about what Ramadan is.

      Thanks for visiting. Sending regards from Indonesia.


  2. Wooow, look at you, Zia. Your blog post is really awesome. Your word Power is very good. I am also gratitude to Allah that my 4 grandsons has trained themselves to fast without waiting for their parents asking them to do it.

    1. Hi Bunda,

      Glad to have you, here. Hehehe
      Thank you, I always try my best. Hmmm... But I still need to learn a lot, to make a good writing composition.

      Wow, that's great. Alhamdulillah, you must be proud of them.

      Thank you, Bunda. *hugs :*

  3. Semoga anak2 kita menjadi anak yg sholeh dan sholehah dan selalu berjuang di jalan Allah

  4. Share the sunnah of suhoor. it is very important, beside i would feel powerless if don't have it :) once i passed it because my parent thought i still have my periode. In fact i have to start fasting again. So, when i have iftaar, i have eat a lot :D. You know what? I have it with my collegemate. What a shame!

    1. Ya, teh. Having suhoor is very important. We might have less power to do some activities when we fast, but if we take suhoor no matter how small or large quantity of food we eat, the sunnah would be fulfilled and we would be strong enough. Don't skip suhoor, “The pre-dawn meal is blessed, so do not neglect it even if you only take a sip of water. Verily, Allah and the angels pray for those who have pre-dawn meals.” (The sunnah of Suhoor).

      It's not a big deal, teh. Me too, lol. I eat a lot of iftaar snacks, then having meal after taraweeh. hehehe

  5. It's not always that easy here, Zia. We do have the challenge because we are minorities here. But of course, it won't stop us from teaching our kids about Islam and Ramadhan, or rather studying together :)

    1. I guess so, mba Indah. Facing Ramadan in US or in the Western Country must be tough enough. I can feel your spirit, be healthy and wealthy, barakallah mba Indah and family.

      Sending hugs from Indonesia :*

  6. my sons start to learn fasting this year. it's NOT easy. really. I miss lots of things to teach them during pre-Ramadhan so it's really hard to get them fast until maghrib. up to today they still do the 'puasa bedug'. they are 6 & 7 yo.

    1. Yup, mba Damar, so am I. My son was starting to fast this year and his age is 7yo. It's not easy, there's a challenge teaching kids about Ramadan. We shouldn't give up. Teach our kid step by step and in a fun way.

      Thank you for your visit, mba. :)

  7. good advice, especially for mother to be like me hehe

    1. Insha'Allah, hope my post will be useful someday. Hehehe

      Thanks mba Baiq :*

  8. Thank you for the tips, love. I'll do the same thing when I have a boy later.

    1. Hello Mirwan,

      It's my pleasure to share the tips. You'll be a good dad for your kid.

      Thnak you for your visit :)

  9. Thanks for the post! Btw, Mba Zia, I wonder, have you came across any good children books to help introducing Ramadan and fasting?

    1. Hi mba Vita,

      My pleasure, mba. :)
      I've read some children book reviews about Ramadan; My First Ramadan by Karen Karen Katz, Ramadan Moon by Na’ima B Robert, Anak Saleh Rajin Puasa Ramadhan By Ajen Dianawati (Get print book on Google Books), etc.

      Vito's got 'Ramadan Activity Book' from school, it's helping him in learning about fasting, ibadah, etc.


  10. I love this post. You wrote it nicely.

    I know it is not easy to teach your children Mbak. Thank you for sharing your own tips. I believe many helped by this post.

    1. Thank you, mas Ryan.

      It's challenging yet fun to teach my son about so many things. My pleasure, mas. I really hope so. :)

  11. Hipnoterapi SemarangAugust 2, 2016 at 8:21 AM

    Parenting tentang bulan ramadhan ke anak ,
    very helpfulll

    Nice Postnya

  12. Kata mama, dulu aku mulai puasa pas umur 4 tahun, dan mulai full pas umur 5 tahun, dan lebih cepat ngerti karena mas dan abang juga ngajarin, hehehe


    1. Keren Aci, udah full umur 5 tahun. Biasanya beda anak beda juga kesiapannya yah. Hehehe


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