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5 Things You Can Do After a Breakup

I actually forgot how it feels. I'm a happily married woman now, but of course, I can still empathize and always care about people around me especially when my friends just got out of a relationship. 'Move on" after breaking up is not a simple thing. It will take time to heal a broken heart. When I found my close friend who just got out of a breakup, I advise them to do these things:

Stay away from social media
Social media is not the right place to vent frustration or throw away your feelings. That's why if someone got out of a relationship, just take a breath for a while and avoid social media. You might convey your pain feeling to public, do not get full of unrest statuses which can let others know that you are being hit by confusion of the broken heart.

Enjoy yourself with a cup of your favorite beverage
You can do this just with your own self anywhere you want, it could be at home, café, or other places. Sitting by yourself and drinking a cup of your favorite coffee or tea. Everyone who just got out of a breakup needs time to be alone. A precious moment for recalling the failure of love and taking lessons from it.

Listen to mellow songs
Just cry when you need to, accompanied by the chant mellow tones. There're so many Indonesian singer that you can choose for your breakup playlist. One of the most interesting songs for your breakup playlist is a song by Chilla Kiana, entitled "A copy of you". This song tells about a meeting of a woman with a man who looked like her ex-boyfriend. But eventually the woman realized that the man cannot replace the figure of her lover. It sounds a little bit sad, but it's not a problem because for the period of mourning, you certainly can be passed for the sake of a happier future. Information about Chilla Kiana songs and other interesting things can be accessed at:
Facebook Fan page:
After you listen to your favorite songs, your feeling will be better than before. Music can fit your mood.

Tell your close friend
If you're not able to keep it alone, share it with your trusted friends. Definitely, your friend will not mind listening to your story as long as you tell the story with one condition, you're not living in a deep disappointments, sadness, hurt, and promise your friend you're going to move on. Your friends will also be happy to see you’re risen from grief.

Come back and focus again on your hobby
Perhaps you are too busy with love affairs until forgotten the hobby that you like. After the breakup, let you take a moment to do something positive through your hobby. Even hobby can also make you get new friends if you actively join in a particular community. It will be very pleasant to you, won't it?

Although grieving after a breakup was reasonable, but I wish that you would get over it. A broken heart feeling can niggle at the back and hover at the front of your mind. You need to keep your positive perspective on life, stay strong, and don't give up because you're strong enough to let it go.


  1. Setuju banget dengan point terakhir, fokus ke hobby bisa mengalihkan segalanya, bisa bikin kita lupa sama kesedihan yang sedang dialami :D

    1. Hobby memang aktivitas menyenangkan yang bisa mengalihkan kita dari hal-hal yang bikin sedih ya mba Wuri. :)

  2. For me, it's hard to stay away from social media eventhough I've just broken up.

    1. Today, so many people must be hard to stay away from social media no matter how sad they are, for some it can entertain them. :)

  3. Pasti tidak ada yg menginginkan ini terjadi ya Mba. Tapi siapa yg bisa mengelak dari takdir? Nice article :)

    1. Betul mba Widya, ngga ada yang mau patah hatinya. Kita ngga pernah tau takdir kita. hehehe Semua harus dihadapi dengan sabar.

      Thanks ya mba Wid. :*

  4. Aku pernah dalam kondisi ini mba. Dengarin mellow song itu memang cukup membantu dan bisa mengeluarkan seluruh isi hati. Terus abis itu lgs curhat deh sama sahabat.

    1. Nah, iya mba Yuni meluapkan perasaan sambil denger lagu sedih setelahnya lega karena udah dikeluarin dengan nangis, trus dapet masukan dari sahabat, dan move on.


  5. Poin terakhir, melakukan hobi, itu ngaruh banget ;). Kalo di aku, krn hobiku traveling, aku ngelakuin itu biasanya.. pergi bareng temen, supaya semua yg sedih2 bisa hilang :)

    1. Serunya mba Fanny, hobby traveling cukup bisa bikin perasaan balik lagi jadi happy ya, apalagi sama temen-temen...

  6. Well, frankly.. I will stay away from the mellow songs hahaha. They are killing you with all the memories ;)

    1. Mellow songs help me to let my feeling out, sometimes crying makes me feel better. But, indeed it can kill me with all the memories behind. XD

  7. Wow, Indah, give me five. Honestly, I will get rid all my stuff that will remind me to the sweet memories I ever had, including stay away from listening to mellow songs. I have to move on, haven't?

    1. Me too, bunda. I'll throw away all the stuff that remind me to the sweet memories, but listening to mellow songs will let my feeling out even with all the tears. hehehe. After that I should move on and enough to cry. :)

  8. kayaknya kalo saya, mendingan denger lagu2 yg semangat hehehe... kalo mellow nti gak bisa move on :D

    1. Saya denger lagu yang mellow dulu, mba. Biar perasaannya keluar dan nangis ampe puas, abis gitu langsung move on. hehehe

  9. aku melipir dulu seh
    kalau dengerin lagu mellow ngeri napa2 malah kebawa pengen bunuh diri bisa2 *eh

    1. Waaaduh jangan sampe deh mba Echaaa kejadian. Denger lagu melow sebentar biar nangisnya puas terus, looking for another better man. hahaha

  10. Thank you, Irene. :)

    Warm regards,

  11. kurang mengerti sih sama bahasa inggris tapi nekat mau komentar gtu mba :-) enjoy yourself with a cup of menimuman indeed will make themselves felt back fress :-)

    1. Iya mas Fen, minum segelas teh atau kopi bisa bikin pikiran fresh kembali.

      Terima kasih sudah berkunjung.

  12. Hi Fauzia..really I like your post keep in touch.

  13. I would prefer avoid mellow songs as it made my feeling getting worse and instead of cheering me up, I would be drowned in my misery ;D

    1. Every person has it's own way to heal their broken-heart ya, teh Anne. hehehe

      For me, listening to mellow songs will let my feeling out with all the tears, got enough crying and after that I have to be ready to move on. lol


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