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The Places That I Have Visited in Bali

It's a long holiday, yeay! Indonesia is a wonderful country that offers so many great natural attractions, and Bali has become the most favorite place to visit. What to do in Bali? So many things we can do, such as sun-bathing and surfing in some beaches that have great waves and beautiful panoramas, shopping and hunting a lot of good stuff with affordable price, snorkeling or diving in some awesome sites, enjoying the arts and cultures, an so on. Here I want to share about the places that I have visited and what I have done in Bali.

The development of tourism in Denpasar is focused on cultural environment. This city is a center of tourism development, growing with one-to-five-star hotels as well as the complete range of facilities we can easily find here. Last visit, I've chosen to stay in Denpasar right after arriving in Bali.

I was so excited, in the night I went to Kuta Beach to see the sunset, and in the morning I went to Sanur beach to see its beautiful scenery. Sanur is a famous tourist destination which is located in the east of Denpasar, it's near my hotel. Sanur beach is really nice, the waves are quite calm, and there are also diving and snorkeling sites we can find. Therefore, the location can be used by scuba divers of all skill levels.

Kuta is a district in Badung. It is one of the tourism destinations in Indonesia that is very well-known around the world, because there is Kuta beach as the most favorite beach for surfers. I have written my story about Kuta Bali [click here].

Sukawati Market
Sukawati art market is located in Gianyar. The distance from Denpasar / airport is about 30 km which you can travel by car for about 45 minutes. All prices are bargaineable. We have to be smart to bid. Fixed prices in the market is 1/3 of the price offered by the seller. I have bought some accessories, clothes, batik, and bed cover. I sent all the stuff via package delivery service, so I just needed to bring my backpack to go traveling around Bali.

Goa Lawah (Bat Cave) Temple 
I've visited Pura Goa Lawah in Klungkung. What an exotic bat cave! The distance is about 10 km to the east of the town of Klungkung or about 50 km from the city of Denpasar. It's approximately 1,5 hour from Ngurah Rai airport. I could feel the sacred atmosphere and for me it's unforgettable experience. After that, I went to the beach across the temple and enjoyed a fresh coconut water, and gentle breezes while relaxing. 

Mount Agung
I haven't had the opportunity to climb Mt. Agung, yet. I just visited and had a hiking around the foot of Mount Agung. I am very sad because I lost my best friend around 2008, the missing climbers haven't been found until now. Because of many accidents and missing climbers, since May 2009 every climbers now must use the services of a guide to anticipate the likelihood of accidents. I got the important info, if you want to climb the mountain, you should not bring the food that made from cow, because the mountain is very sacred area for the local communities around.

Some day, I wish I could climb to the top of the mountain. From the top of Mount Agung we can see the peak of Mount Rinjani in Lombok island.We can enjoy the islands of Nusa Penida in the south along the beaches, including Sanur beach and mountain and lake Batur in the northwest. It must be awesome. 

Karang Asem
Karangasem has so many attractions that are quite popular. One of must-visit places is Padangbai. It is located in Manggis, Karangasem, the east side of the Bali island. The city is the ferry port to the island of Lombok, Nusa Penida, Gili Islands and the other islands in West Nusa Tenggara.

Padangbai also offers the tourists with a small beach town life, beautiful and quiet, it's called Tanjung Sari which name was taken from Pura Tanjung Sari. In addition, there has white sand beaches, it's famous for its underwater beauty that dominated by colorful fish and soft coral. This coast is often called as blue lagoon beach.

"I already miss Bali and really want to go back there again, explore all the beautiful places that I haven't visited, yet!"


  1. The place where I really want to go to is Bali. I wonder how Bali looks like.

    1. I hope you could go and visit Bali, someday you will. There are so many great and beautiful places you can see, Mirwan. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Yup! Beautiful island and many places to be explored. :)


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