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Bandung Independent School Community Presented The Grand Musical Drama Sangkuriang

It's an honor for me to have the opportunity to be invited to 45th Bandung Independent School (BIS) anniversary celebration. The school community presented the grand musical drama Sangkuriang. It's entitled A Tale of Dayang Sumbi: "Continuous Misfortune", scripted and directed by Kiki Permana. The main cast is Narda Virelia as Dayang Sumbi, she is alumni of BIS and the 1st runner up Miss Indonesia 2018. She's beautiful, smart, and multi-talented.

My son and I at BIS theater
I took my son with me, he's so excited. It's the first time for him to watch the musical drama about Sangkuriang folktale. It's a form of theatrical performance that combines traditional music, Sundanese songs, spoken dialogue, dancing, and acting. It's one of the famous fairy tales stories in Indonesia. This folktale comes from West Java. The story is about the son (Sangkuriang) was falling in love with his mother (Dayang Sumbi). I really enjoyed the show. Here, I'm going to tell you the story of Sangkuriang. 

A Tale of Dayang Sumbi: "Continuous Misfortune"

The story begins in the jungle of the Padjadjaran Kingdom. There was a woman named Dayang Sumbi. A dog, si Tumang, found her tenun fabric, suddenly si Tumang turned into a handsome man. They got married. After Dayang Sumbi has given birth to a son, Si Tumang turned back into a dog.

Dayang Sumbi named his son Sangkuriang. Time passed, Sangkuriang became an adult. He was a great hunter. Si Tumang always accompanied Sangkuriang wherever he went. One day, Sangkuriang spotted a wild boar in the forest. Actually the boar was his grandmother (Tumang's mother). Si Tumang realized and tried to prevent him shooting the wild boar. The boar escaped. It made Sangkuriang angry. Sangkuriang was angry, he decided to kill Si Tumang. He cut out Si Tumang's heart and gave his mother the heart to be cooked.

Dayang Sumbi was shocked when she realized that the heart was given by Sangkurinang was belong to Si Tumang. Then, she took a big wooden spoon and hit Sangkuring's head. Sangkuriang run into the forest. He scared and never showed up. Sangkuriang disappeared.

Dayang Sumbi lived alone. She decided to have meditation. She became a powerful wise-woman and still looked young and beautiful. One day, she met a man, and the man asked Dayangsumbi to be his wife. Dayang Sumbi surprised when she recognized his name and the scar on his head. She certained that Sangkuriang is her son. Sangkuriang did not believe that he was her son.

Finally, Dayang Sumbi asked him to make a dam and build a large boat that should be completed before sunrise. When Dayang Sumbi realized that Sangkuriang had almost finished his work, she figured out a way to stop him. The dark sky became as bright as the sunrises.

Sangkuriang was upset. He knew he would never marry Dayang Sumbi. He used super power and called supra-natural for help. Sangkuriang was so angry. The large boat almost finished, but in the last minute he failed, then he kicked the boat and it flew far away.

Now it's  known as the origins of one of the famous mountain in West Java. The Story of Sangkuriang has carved in relief on the walls of the crater of Tangkuban Perahu.

All performers 

Mrs. Heni Smith
(founder The Lodge Foundation)
It was a great show, by joining the talented student musicians and BIS Alumni, local artists in performance. Teachers, staff, and parents sang beautiful songs, they walked like professional runway models. They demonstrated clothing and accessories of Deni Siswanto's collection, some of them danced (Sundanese traditional dance). I really enjoyed the show. This musical drama was supported by The Lodge Foundation .

Narda Virelia as Dayang Sumbi

We could see and feel the spirit of togetherness. Hope I'll see you again for your 50th anniversary celebration. 


  1. Keren banget emang Drama Musikal Sangkuriang ini, mantaaab abis, sukses buat bu Heen yaa!

    1. Yes, Teh Nchie. Keren abis. Hebring banget memang Ibu Heni Smith. Salut!

  2. Replies
    1. Iyaaa, suka sama drama musikal dan konsep acaranya. :)

  3. Sudah drama nggak nonton musical drama. Terakhir nonton pas kecil. Operet Bobo. Wkwkwk.

    1. Eleuh udah lama pisan, Teh Dy. Hahaha. Iya dulu aku inget operet Bobo. :)

  4. Teh, aku boleh nggak private english ke teteh? #salahfokeus :))

    1. Hahahaha aku juga sambil belajar sambil latihan dan bikin blog post pake English. :*


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