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Hospitals in Melaka

"Do you want to go to Melaka for a medical treatment?"
Let me help you to list hospitals in Melaka!

Although Melaka is not a region that is famous as a big city in Malaysia, there are other reasons why Melaka is widely known in Indonesia. Aside from being a city of cultural and historical tourism, it seems that Melaka has transformed into one of the medical tourist destination cities in Malaysia.

Melaka City (also spelled Malacca) is the capital of the coastal state of Malacca, in southwestern Malaysia. As you already know, Malaysia is one of the countries that is most in demand as a medical tourist destination. Similar to its neighboring country, Singapore, many patients from abroad come to Malaysia to get the medical treatment needed, including patients from Indonesia. The reasons are varied, such as modern medical technology, reliable quality of medical staff and experts, and relatively affordable medical expenses.

Well, for those of you who are considering getting medical treatment in Melaka, here are some of the best hospitals that you can choose. Check out the list below and enjoy reading!

Mahkota Medical Centre Melaka

Mahkota Medical Center or MMC has established as one of the trusted hospitals with the most complete and best facilities in Malaysia, especially in Malaka. The quality of services and medical technology is available, and the cost of treatment is relatively more affordable. This hospital is managed by Health Management International, Ltd. (HMI).

Now, MMC has more than 90 consultants from various scientific disciplines to help patients get the best and professional medical services. The services offered by MMC include the ICU and the Heart Care Unit, the operating room, radiology services, pharmacies, laboratories, health screening services, One Day Care Unit, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy Services, Hemodialysis Services, Dental Care Services, IVF Services (IVF) ), and Physiotherapy Services.

Oriental Melaka Straits Medical Centre (OMSMC)

Oriental Melaka Straits Medical Centre (OMSMC) is a health facility designed to provide a sense of comfort and safety, both for patients and families. OMSMC has a mission to provide integrated and comprehensive health services while emphasizing a concept called Human Touch. With this concept, patients can still experience direct communication and interaction with humans, regardless of the technological sophistication and efficiency of medical services offered at one of the well-known hospitals in Malaysia.

With a vision and mission that encourages the implementation of the best, quality, and affordable medical service activities in Southeast Asia, OMSMC embodies it in various ways. One of them is the availability of medical and non-medical staff who are dedicated to providing reliable and best service to patients. In addition, the health care facilities provided are quality, complete, up-to-date and sophisticated facilities. Not to mention, cooperation between cross-disciplinary personnel in the system of administering medical services that is integrated to ensure that patients will only get the best and immediate services.

Various support services available include Radiology, MRI, CT Scan, Cath Laboratory, Mammography, Fluoroscopy, Bone Mineral Density, Dental X-Ray, X-Ray, 4D Ultrasound, and C-Arm. Then, there is still an operating room, the Dialysis Center for patients who need dialysis, a Rehabilitation Center, Laboratories, ICU / NICU, and inpatient rooms.

Pantai Hospital Ayer Keroh Melaka

This hospital has a range of medical experts from various fields. Active medical personnel have been trained to be able to provide health services for patients according to their respective medical needs. Because, this hospital understands that each patient has different needs. With services that combine professionalism and comfort for patients, you are guaranteed to feel like you are restoring your own home.

In addition, Pantai Hospital, located in the Ayer Keroh area, is able to provide excellent quality services, but at a relatively affordable price. In fact, the total cost of treatment can be cheaper up to 50 percent of the total medical expenses in Singapore.

Ease of Medical Services in Melaka through Medisata

For those of you who need medical services from a hospital in Melaka, take advantage of Medisata services to simplify the process, from choosing a doctor, making appointments to consultations, to completing hospital administration. Moreover, you can use the services of Medisata for free, do you know why? It's because Medisata is the official representative of various well-known and top list hospitals in Malaysia and Singapore, including in Melaka.

By utilizing Medisata services for medical treatment abroad, you can use and enjoy the services that offered:

1. Choose a doctor
There is no doubt that you need to find a doctor who is in accordance with the conditions that you have. The diagnosis and treatment needed can be given correctly and immediately, so you can get well soon. Well, Medisata will help you recommend the right doctor.

2. Make an appointment.
If this is your first time going abroad for treatment, it's normal if you feel quite confused with the procedure. Moreover, it is certainly very wasteful of time and money if the doctor you want to meet is apparently not practicing at your chosen hospital, right? Now you don't need to bother thinking about it because Medisata will help you arrange the appointment.

3. Estimate cost of treatment.
Although the cost of medical treatment in Melaka is relatively more affordable than treatment at other overseas hospitals, still you need to estimate what the total cost you need to pay. To help you prepare funds, you can request Medisata to make an estimate of the total cost as a benchmark.

So, what are you waiting for? Contact Medisata now for an easy, fast, and practical treatment in Melaka!


  1. Baru tau kalo rumah sakit di daerah Melaka, Malaysia ini punya fasilitas yang lengkap dan pelayanannya juga bagus dan terpercaya

    1. Iya, Teh ada banyak yang sengaja ke Malaysia khususnya ke Melaka untuk berobat. Fasilitas dan pelayanannya lengkap dan pastinya terpercaya. :)

  2. Malaysia banyak ya rumah sakit bagusnya. Pantesan banyak yg berobat ke sana

    1. Betul, Teh. Beberapa orang memilih cari perawatan dan berobat ke rumah sakit di Malaysia.

    2. Baru tahu juga kalo rumah sakit di Malaysia, dokter-dokternya banyak yang lulusan universitas terkenal di Eropa. Terusnya, peralatan medisnya lengkap dan modern

  3. Temp at tidurnya keliatan nyaman bgt

  4. Sekarang lagi ngehits RS2 di Malaysia nih dan kebanyakn pada berobat kesana juga karena dah lengkap. Aku denger cerita sahabat yang tinggal disana, emang udah meningkat dari sebelomnya, alhamdulillah yaa bisa jadi alternatif berobat.

  5. aku pas ke melaka taunya ke tempat wisatanya aja hehe, main ke sungainya dan main ke mesjidnya, ternyata cukup terkenal juga ya rumah sakitnya

  6. Pengobatan itu ibarat jodoh ya, cocok cocokan? Ada yang ke sana ke sini sembuhnya di sono, ada yang bolak balik keluar masuk eh obat yang dicarinya justru ada dalam hati, ketenangan...

    Malaka belum banyak diketahui orang Indonesia. Kecuali mungkin orang berada ya. Semoga sehat selalu, pengobatan nya membawa hasil. Amin ...

  7. Medical trip adalah salah satu "jualannya" Malaka ya mba.
    Semoga banyak yg cocok dan bisa sembuh total. aamiiin

  8. Wow, Melacca has so many recommended hospitals to do medical treatment or any treatment needed by the patients from any other countries and for sure almost all of them who had been hospitalized there were giving very good testimonial and rated those hospitals as recommended ones. Zia, nice try ini writing your article in English. Lv u

  9. Banyak juga ya rumah sakit di melaka. Aku pernah baca juga yg program hamil sampe berobat kesana

  10. fasilitasnya lengkap banget. Pantes banyak yang berobat ke malaysia. Makasih infonya, mbak

  11. I went to Malaka years ago and I really enjoy this beautiful city. Now it is famous for medical check - up 😘

  12. Melaka ternyata gak hanya temoat wisatanya aja yang bagus. Rumah sakitnya pun bagus di sana, ya

  13. Terima kasih mbak buat artikelnya dan akan ada rencana mau check up saya mbak. Apalagi sekarang mudah banget ke sana dan dokter di Malaka juga mumpuni.

  14. Karena dekat dari Kepri banyak banget yang memilih ke melaka untuk check up terutama keluarga suami. Jika mastiin terutama vonis sakit berat kami memilih pastikan ke dokter disana dulu. kadang malah hasil dimelaka bikin hati lebih tenang

  15. Ada kenalan aku yang sengaja ke Melaka juga mba buat berobat. Banyak rekomendasi karena terpercaya. Smoga kita sehat-sehat ya

  16. Sptnya orang Indonesia yg ke Malaka identik dgn mau berobat deh..aku ke sana begitu turun dr bis ada org Indonesia nyapa .mau berobat juga ya... katanya.. hahaha

  17. Wah ternyata Melaka punya hospital yang keren juga ya, dan banyak orang berobat ke sana juga. Aku pikir cuma kota2 besar yang ada di Malaysia aja

  18. Mendengar Melaka, jadi teringat teman kantor aku yang berobat ke Melaka.. dan memang RS di Melaka menjadi rujukan banyak RS di Indonesia untuk pengobatan, teman aku sedang berupaya untuk memiliki momongan disana.. sampai sekarang masih terus berupaya..semoga diberikan kemudahan ya

  19. Sudah pernah baca juga tentang rumah sakit di Melaka ini. Keren banget ya. Banyak yang merekomendasikan juga.

  20. Aku penasaran euy foto yang lain dari RS di Melaka ini kaya gimana. Btw orang Indo banyak juga lho yang berobat kesana termasuk kaka sepupu ku yang tinggal di Kepri.

  21. Kalo punya uang tentu berobat ke mana pun akan dituju asal sembuh ya, termasuk ke Melaka ini. Semoga sehat selalu.

  22. Tetanggaku ada, Mbak, setiap bulan terbang ke Melaka untuk cek kesehatannya. Malah beliau ada agenda pasang ring jantung di sana.

    Benar kata Mbak Leyla, kalau ada uangnya, semua bisa dijabanin asal sembuh.

  23. sepertinya selain Singapore, Melaka ini jadi pilihan banyak orang untuk berobat yaa, Mba :)

  24. Temen ku juga ada yang sering bolak-balik Malaysia buat menemani ibunya berobat di Penang. Dan dia bilang emang fasilitas rumah sakit di Malaysia itu memang sudah high quality banget


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