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Stay-at-Home Activity Ideas During COVID-19

We're now in the middle of global pandemic. 😢

March, 2, 2020 President Jokowi has announced that two Indonesians have tested positive for COVID-19, it's the first two confirmed in our country. He calls all Indonesian people to stay at home; self isolation and social distancing. 

Corona virus is a serious infectious disease. What can you do to protect yourself, reduce corona virus infection, and prevent spreading the virus to others :
  • Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Eat healthy food and don't forget to cook meat or fish thoroughly. 
  • Drink water, take vitamins or supplements. 
  • Do some home exercises to keep your body healthy.
  • Cover mouth when coughing or sneezing with flexed elbow.
  • Avoid close contact with anyone with cold/flu like symptoms.
  • Do not touch your our eyes, nose, face, or mouth if our hands are not clean.
  • Stay home, social distancing, and self-isolate from others if we feel unwell.
It's been more than a month after President announced this pandemic. My family has been staying at home. I and my husband have been working from home and my son studying from home. Corona Virus in Indonesia is spreading so fast. 

Last update April 27, 2020, 02:03 GMT there are 8.882 confirmed, 1.107 recovered,  and 743 death. This fact is really making us so sad. The thing that never imagined before. 

What can you do at home during this pandemic? I have some great activities with my family. Here are home activity ideas during COVID-19 that you can do with your family as well.

Fun Home-Learning 

School isn't the only place for studying, is it! After the announcement of COVID-19, all students in Indonesia have school from home. When kids are at home, so we're their teacher. I know that school from home won't feel like the same as a class room lesson.

I create and provide fun learning activity for my son, Vito. He must be really bored if I use conventional ways in studying. So, I bring the technology and creativity to create great atmosphere and build his good mood while doing his school tasks or quizzes. I and my husband also give him some rewards for what he has done good. We need to get our kids excited about discovering something great by disguising the home-learning activities as fun time.

Reciting and Memorizing Qur'an

How this matters? Qur'an is the holy book of Muslim, it's our guidance of life. Vito and I have goals to memorizes Qur'an two verses a day. I know it's not that easy, but we have to try over and over again.

Reciting and memorizing Qur'an is the act of worship through which one seeks the blessings of Allah and reward in the Hereafter.

It was narrated from Aisyah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“The one who recites the Qur’an and learns it by heart, will be with the noble righteous scribes (in Heaven) and the one who exerts himself to learn the Qur’an by heart and recites it with great difficulty, will have a double reward.” (Al-Bukhari, 4653; Muslim, 798)
Hafiz will be given a crown of honor and a garment of honor to wear.

It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“The Qur’an will come on the Day of Resurrection and will say, ‘O Lord, adorn him.’ So he will be given a crown of honour to wear. Then it will say, ‘O Lord, give him more.’ So he will be given a garment of honor.’ Then it will say, ‘O Lord, be pleased with him.’ So Allah will be pleased with him. Then it will be said to him, ‘Recite and advance in status, and for each verse you will gain one more hasanah (reward for good deed).” (Al-Tirmidhi, 2915. He said, this is a saheeh hasan hadeeth. Al-Albaani said in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 2328).
Few days ahead we will face the holy month of Ramadan. I hope we're all fine and follow Ramadan as good as we can, even in this unwanted condition and situation. 

Cooking, baking, or making drink/food creation

I think cooking or baking can help kids develop their cognitive and motor skills. I let my son to help me prepare a meal. This activity offers a wide variety of opportunities to grow and learn. We can develop valuable life skills.

While staying at home, cooking or baking becomes a really fun activity that can be done together. My son likes to help me in the kitchen. He likes cooking spaghetti/ omelette. He loves baking brownies or making pudding & pancakes, or making any drink/food creation.

During #stayhome we love to eat and cook more. We explore and try some new recipes.

Choco balls made by Vito

Making Vlog

It's me and my son's new project. We can do lot of things while we're spending time together at home. We're making some videos project. It's actually the school's task, but we're making some tutorial videos, so we think it's good to upload them to our you tube channel. We're doing this for fun, but we hope this can be useful for people who watch it. I uploaded the videos on Zia's Channel . Please drop your like, comment, share, and subscribe.

Playing Games 

I and my husband allow our son to play game. We all know that this "isolation" is never be easy for anyone, for us and even for the kid. Playing games can be his time to relax and have some fun.

Vito's favorite games are CITIES SKYLINE and ROBLOX, I think these two are good computer game and online game. CITIES SKYLINE is a city-building game developed by Colossal Order and published by Paradox Interactive. The game is a single-player open-ended city-building simulation. Players engage in urban planning by controlling zoning, road placement, taxation, public services, and public transportation of an area. ROBLOX is a online game platform. It's a game creation system that allows players to design their own games. This online game is safe for kids, while Roblox is a good introduction to online gaming for a younger users, it still carries risk. Parents should take control to curate the content that kids may encounter when playing, such give options to restrict voice chat only to approved friends, etc.

I see that it's fun. He's excited to have every little part of the game with the details and features. 

D I Y Creations 

School is down. We might start getting bored pretty quickly. Let keep us busy with easy DIY projects. We'll have quality time with kids and they will learn and have a great time. Making recycled crafts is a good idea.
Making dice from reusable paper

Let's stay safe and stay home, please! Hope this pandemic will be over soon. Aamiin.


  1. banyak aktivitas yang bisa dilakukan selama di rumah aja supaya gak bosan ya. Wah suka main ROBLOX juga ya sama kaya anakku nih. Semoga pandemic segera berakhir Aamiin

  2. Senengnya banyak beraktivitas ga mati gaya di rumah ya.
    Insyaallah berkah dan semoga cepet berakhir masa2 pandemic ini.

  3. Coincidentally the PSBB is in the month of Ramadan, so we can focus on good deeds. We can teach our children about patience in a critical situation and encourage them to show their creativity.

  4. I love to do all your tips sist. I think stay at home now make us more creative

  5. banyak aktivitas yang bisa dilakukan bareng anak selama di rumah aja yaa, Mba. Dan yang lebih penting, kegiatan yang dilakukan itu akan semakin mempererat bonding orang tua dan anaknya :)

  6. Semangaaat.. We do have tons of great activities that can be implemented at home during this quarantine time. We do a lot of cooking, reading and playing games LOL, but of course balanced with works and assignments

  7. semangat mbak, justru selama di rumah aja tuh kayaknya sehari 24 jam ga cukup ya :) ada aja kegiatannya hahahaa

  8. Asik banget nih kegiatannya apalagi bersama anak-anak mbak. Kalau aku sih masih senang masak aja di dapur dengan berbagai menu baru hehe

  9. Tinggal bagaimana kita menyiasati ya Mbak, stay at home pun bisa memilikk banyak aktivitas yang menyenangkan.

  10. Di rumah aja tidak akan membuat jenuh dan bosan dengan berbagai aktivitas yang disukai bersama keluarga ya, mba.
    Semoga pandemi ini cepat berakhir.

  11. selama dirumah aja udah sebulan ini aku lagi seneng banget nyobain berbagai resep masakan nih hihihi

  12. Harus pinter2 cari aktivitas positif agar seluruh anggota keluarga TDK bosan saat harus stay at home y mba.. Thx sdh betbagi kegiatan2 positif ini..bisa jadi alternatif keg kami juga nih..

  13. Creating vlogs, yeay!

    I have lots of ideas but I can't create them.

    Everytime I started to record a video, my youngest son came and wanted to help which was not helpful at all


  14. Ish kreatif banget sih mbak, banyak ya yang bisa dilakukan bersama keluarga ditengah pandemi seperti saat ini.. semoga semakin kompak dan sehat selalu ya mbak.. lanjutkan kebiasaan baiknya

  15. banyak banget memang aktivitas yang bisa kita lakuin selama #DirumahAja biar gak bosan. dan yang pasti selama di rumah aja itu malah menambah kehangatan kita bersama keluarga.. :)

  16. MashaAllah~
    Anak-anak sekarang uda happy-happy aja siih...walau di rumah aja.
    Uda biasa kali yaa...dan ga pake drama ngambek atau nangis.

    Etapi kalau anak laki, ga ada dramanya ya, teh?

  17. Aku sangat berharap bisa mendapatkan mahkota itu kelak mudah2an anak2ku jadi pecinta dan penghafal al qur'an.

  18. thank you for your recommendation, mbak, so many fun activities we can explore at home. stay safe and healthy ya for you and your family :)

  19. So happy reading all activities you and your son Vito, from baking until make vlog its cool and interest, maybe next i can make vlog with my kids

  20. Alhamdulillah selama masa ini, anak juga jadi makin rajin mengaji membaca Al Quran dan beraktiftas baik lainnya

  21. Anakku baru usia 4,5 tahun, Mbak. Lagi aktif-aktifnya main di luar. Aku sering kuwalahan kalau bikinin jadwal harian untuk dia. Sementara waktu, asal stok makanan di rumah aman jaya, dia nggak bakalan deh keluar rumah.

  22. Setuju Mbak kalau baking itu melatih kognitif anak supaya lebih berkembang dan meningkatkan motoriknya.

  23. Playing games, that's the best moment my kid waiting for :))
    Kayaknya bocah tuh memang bawaannya paling seneng main game ya, entah di hape ataupun di laptop. Harus disiplin nih ibunya menyeimbangkan antara main dengan aktivitas lainnya, terutama ibadah.

  24. Wah rajin bikin2 di rumah ya mbak hehe, di rumah yg jadi rajin bikin2 makanan atau minuman yg lagi viral malah suamiku, aku penikmat aja wkwkwk :D

  25. Keren banget nih teh punya project pribadi sama anak.
    Semoga tetap waras selama #dirumahaja ya teh..

  26. Vito pasti hepi berat punya ibu yg caring and loving juga kreatif banget kayak dirimu, Mak.
    Selamat ber-Ramadhan di rumah aja yaa

  27. Dengan demikian, anak ga gabut ya, istilah jaman sekarang. Sipp, Mbak, makasih banyak ya atas infonya ini.

  28. Salam kunjungan dan follow disini ya :)

  29. great video, You can use the kinemaster pro techbigs at to edit video, make your video more engaging, attract more viewers.


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