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Me Time Tips

Self-love has many benefits. I think it's one of the life satisfactions. We should give more positive attitude towards our life and encourage us to pick up the good habits. I love to have my self-love by doing "ME TIME". 

Anyway, what do you usually do in your free time? I'd prefer to do something I love, doing my hobbies or things that make me happy, such: reading a book or magazine, going for a walk, simply having a cup of coffee or tea then daydreaming. We all know that self-love is important, so let's find what works for ourselves and completely let go for as-many-minutes-as we have. I do really thank God, because I have a supportive life partner who always gives me time to break from all the routine. 

Here are some "me time" tips that you can do in your spare time: 

Break from social media 

I, my self, sometimes feel so bored with all the things in social media. Maybe unplugging all the social media for a set amount of time would be a good idea to let ourselves chill for awhile. 

Take a rest

When I feel a bit tired, I'm going to get my self a rest. It's nothing wrong with having a nap. It's a necessary to break from a rapid routine.  So, we need to take a break, it's also important to our mental health.

Keep in touch with family or best friends

I always love to get back to the old times, it remains so many good memories. Having a great friendship, relationship, and positive vibes is a good food for our soul. Grab your free time and call up  family member or best friend that you really want to talk to. You can have chit-chat about whatever you want and feel the ambience. 

Watch TV/ film/ serial drama 

We need to entertain ourselves, I love to watch film or even serial drama and enjoy it. Yup! It's a very rare treat. Maybe, a little mindless “guilty pleasure” of having time in front of screen is not that bad. 


You can write down your feelings, ideas, dreams, or whatever comes to your mind. For me, writing is a self expressing. It doesn’t have to be a regular thing, I do it when I want to. Writing also can be a self healing, I can evaluate or even take a lesson from what I've been through. 

Do your hobby 

What do you love to do for fun? Me, love to play some musical instruments, reading, and blogging. These all make me happy. You also can do whatever you love, such cooking or anything else, at least your feeling will be better.   

Treat Yourself

Treat and make comfort yourself to have something you like to eat, such chocolate, ice cream, cake, or any other sweets, in order to increase your mood. But remember don't crave for sweets too much, we still have to pay attention to our daily intake of sugar. 


Get outside for a run or walk. Home workout can be an option as well. Our health is a priority, it would be great making exercise schedule into our daily routine, because healthy life means happy life.

We need to thank ourselves for everything. Having your "me time" or self-love means regarding for your own happiness. We need to take care of our own needs and get what we deserve. 


  1. Thank you for sharing, totally i agree with you about tips me time

  2. bener banget, me time ala saya nonton drakor, pasang candle yang wangi, trus tidur hahaha

  3. Aku me time nyalain diffuser wangi jasmine sambil nonton drakor dan makan kripik kentang 😅

  4. Biasanya saya me time dengan menonton serial favorittv dan ngopi. Itu udah bikin rileks, deh

  5. Memang sesekali kita harus break dari sosial media, walaupun gak bisa seharian paling aku tinggal waktu tidur siang & malam aja sekarang. Walaupun dengar notif udahlah mending tidur dulu. Fresh juga ternyata

  6. Istirahat dari media sosial kadang saya lakukan, tapi tidak lama. Soalnya baca-baca berita dan info itu kadang jadi mood boster juga sih buat saya.

  7. Mengajak diri sendiri untuk istirahat, melakukan me time bakalan merecharge kembali energi menjadi lebih powerpul.
    Kalo aku, me timenya menyendiri, baca buku plus ngopi sambil dengerin musik, ato ga melakukan apa2, diem aja.

  8. I never feel so bored with all the things in social media beacause my job is mostly on social media. For me to be able to socialize media it is one of me time...hehe...

  9. betul nih mba, kita perlu banget loh kasih diri kita sejenak waktu me time, kadang kalo udh mumet rasanya udh lelah body lelah hayati pula

  10. buatku me time itu wajib hukumnya Zia.. apalagi kalau udah kerja kayak orang gila hehehe

  11. Iyes setuju, me time ini kudu banget ya kita lakukan. Biar tetep waras. Apalagi di masa pandemi kayak sekarang. Kalo enggak dilakuin, tiap hari bisa uring-uringan terus. Semua yang ditulis bisa aku lakuin, jauh dari medsos dan gadget nih yang masih susah. Setidaknya pas update mau me time. Heheheh

  12. Setujuuuu! Walaupun dalam rangka treat our self, tetep kudu inget sugar intake ya.... Biar tetep sehat!

  13. thank you for sharing, bener me time itu perlu banget siih apalagi aku ini tipe introvert me time itu kaya suatu self reward untuk aku, dan kalau udh me time engga mau diganggu pokoknyaaa..

  14. Setuju, kita perlu banget untuk memanjakan diri sendiri dengan me time. Saya lebih senang me time melakukan perawatan atau mengerjakan hobi.

  15. Salah satu me time yang enggak ketinggalan sampai sekarang adalah baca buku dan ke salon mbak hehe. Rasanya damai banget kalau sudah sendiri di tengah padatnya rutinitas.

  16. Aku banget menulis sama tidur hahaha dan Aku ngerasain memang kita butuh banget apalagi lagi sebagai ibu

  17. Aku juga jarang banget mainan sosmed, teh..
    Apalagi pas anak-anak PJJ.
    Bener-bener bebas, gak kepikiran apa-apa. Alhamdulillah~

  18. Some of these activities are similar to what I do for my me time. My favourite ones are reading and doing exercize. They really freshen my days.


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