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The Impact of Pandemic COVID-19 on Residential or Real Estate Investment

Thank God, alhamdulillah, the COVID-19 pandemic is over, WHO (World Health Organization) has said it is no longer a global health emergency. We are all aware that this pandemic has had a major impact on various sectors in the world. One of the most affected is the property business especially real estate/ residential sector. 

The high operational costs of the property business were not in line with income, because the level of sales also fell. This condition certainly makes the property industry experienced a quite severe decline. Some economists said there will be a better possibility in property sector business after pandemic.

There are some impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on residential investment:

1. The impact of the pandemic has affected not only sales volume, but also property demand because of many people were experiencing economic shocks, they would decide to survive than investing in property. Actually, before the pandemic my husband and I were planning to look for a new residence. However, everything changed when the COVID-19 struck. 

2. Property prices did not show a significant impact. Because the price of the property itself remains the same. In 2020 residential property prices still stable like the previous year because there was no supporting price increase from the building of the property. In fact, property price is not decreased or increased, but the problem is the sales volume and purchasing power. 

3. There was another huge and significant problem, the transactions in the housing sector have stagnated, especially for homeowner loans. The stagnation in the distribution of mortgages decreased because homeowner loans were difficult to get access to financing from banks because of the banks have started tightening credit conditions

Based on the article from Wall Street Journal about The Impact of COVID-19 on Real Estate Markets, Meighan Phillips (Portfolio Manager, Real Estate, Principal Financial Group®) said that what’s unique and interesting in a lot of these alternative property subsectors is just how much the investment opportunity aligns with secular changes underway in our economy.

Now we are declared to be in an endemic period. All sectors started to recover and normal. The property and real estate business is also increasing. Many are starting to invest again in the property business.

There are several things my husband and I must pay attention to, especially when investing in the property business/ real estate/ residential sector: Determining the ideal location (strategic and accessible), identifying our needs, adjusting to budget, checking the physical condition of the building & ensuring the water source, and don't forget to consult with property experts if necessary.

Property investment requires a fairly high cost. It's always good if you have funds, otherwise you need to apply for a loan. This investment is not as simple as buying a property and making money right away. There are additional costs to keep in mind: basic maintenance, annual maintenance, upgrades, and expenses like utilities and taxes. But if you want to invest in property business especially real estate or residential sector, please do the calculation.

Here, I want to help you to calculate and find out how much your monthly/ yearly mortgage payment will be based on the property price and how much deposit you have to pay. Take your first step by using mortgage payment or payment estimator. There you can get a feature which allows you to get a specific calculation with the results already filled in. You can have a calculation or estimation of your investment. Mortgage payment also usually offers overpayment calculations, loan affordability, printable amortization schedules, and a remortgage. 

When you decide to take a loan or invest, don't forget to take into your account capabilities. Everything has a cost. Make sure your finances are healthy and sufficient. 


  1. during the pandemic, many people were affected, our family was one of them, fortunately we were able to survive even though we had to sell some of our possessions to survive

  2. Millenial and Gen Z must be better to spent their money, don't forget to buy properties or investing the money for their future. With mortgage calculator we can estimating and planning the future, and start to think smarter for money and to face the inflation especially to buy properties

  3. pandemi berdampak ke semua sektor ya, apalagi investasi
    walau untuk urusan properti rada stagnan, tetapi sekarang ini bisa bangkit lagi dan masih terbilang oke juga buat invest di bidang properti

  4. Memang pandemi berdampak di banyak sektor ya..bahkan hingga sekarang pun masih teras dampaknya.. Semoga ekonomi masyarakat segera pulih kembali..

  5. Pandemi berdampak hampir di semua sektor kehidupan, termasuk properti. Tapi sekarang sudah mulai bergerak kembali, semoga tetap ke depannya semakin baik. Bagi yang mau membeli aset properti harus menghitung semuanya agar KPR-nya berjalan sesuai rencana.

  6. Belum sepenuhnya pulih dari pandemi, ya. Saya malah lagi pengen jual rumah, nih. Masih cari pembeli dengan harga yang pas. Boleh tuh dikalkulasi dulu dengan mortgage payment.

  7. Saat ini generasi milenial sudah banyak yang tertarik dengan perumahan property dan ingin mandiri secara finansial dan juga kebutuhan primernya. Bener banget kita harus bisa mengukur jika mau mengambil pinjaman. Suami saya juga sedang ingin jual rumah dan mudah-mudahan ketemu jodoh pembeli yang cocok.

  8. Pandemi memang sempat membuat bisnis properti stagnan, tapi agaknya saat ini mulai bangkit lagi. Bahkan sebagian sudah mulai menjadikan property ini sebagai investasi masa depan, karena nilainya yang menjanjikan.

  9. Karena yang namanya pinjaman emang harus dibayar, ya. sebelum pening mikirin bayarnya memang kita perlu mempertimbangkan kapasitas kita untuk menyelesaikan tanggung jawab itu secara tepat waktu. Kalkuator Mortgage ini bakal membantu buat yang membutuhkan estimasi secara rinci. Keren

  10. Dampak pandemi masih terlihat di berbagai sektor yang terdampak meski sudah mulai terlihat pulih dan bangkit ya Teh.... Semoga saja tidak ada lagi pandemi lainnya. Soalnya baca di twitter bakalan ada yang lebih parah. Semoga hanya hoax. Aamiiin

  11. Tempat pandemik memang sangat meluas yang baik sekarang aja pasar Tanah Abang pelit banget nggak ada peminat pembeli

  12. Jaman sekarang mah dipermudah banget kalo mau membeli properti,bisa tung ngitung dulu, hadirnya Kalkuator Mortgage ini bakal membantu mereka yang membutuhkan estimasi secara rinci.

  13. Well done, Zia.
    It seems that the development of property investment now after the pandemic has started to grow again. It really is the best opportunity and hopefully those who have the financial ability can try investing in this way.

  14. Kalkulator yang bisa menjadi perkiraaan kredit rumah ya, aku juga kemarin buka-buka webnya dan pengen tahu, hehe. Karena kalau beli pakai sistem kredit gak boleh salah perhitungan

  15. Dampak pandemi memang sedahsyat itu yaa di semua lini, termasuk juga di property dan bisnis di property memang membutuhkan perhitungan yang teliti agar kita tidak rugi saat menjalaninya

  16. Pasca pandemi nampaknya investasi properti mulai tumbuh yaa. Adanya kalkulator mortgage bakal membantu nih bagi yang punya kemampuan berinvestasi

  17. justru karena pendemi, orang biasa kayak saya jadi sedikit melek soal properti. sepenting itu dan kita sendiri harus lebih sadar untuk investasi

  18. Menarik juga nih, merencanakan membeli properti dan rencana investasi lainnya menggunakan mortgage calculator. Saya juga setuju sih melakukan segala sesuatu itu sebaiknya dengan perencanaan yg matang. Agar sesuai tujuan dan kebutuhan.

  19. Sedikit banyak pandemi memberikan dampak untuk berbanyak sektor termasuk bidang properti. Untung sekarang sudah banyak tools yang bisa membantu kita dalam merencanakan keuangan. Termasuk mortgage calculator yg super usefull

  20. Alhamdulillah pandemi sudah usai jadi kita bisa hidup normal lagi. Dan bisa mengatur tujuan keuangan yang semula terhenti, soalnya suami sempet dirumahkan beberapa bulan. Yuk semangat!

  21. Dulu katanya pas pandemi masih anget-angetnya, harga jual logam mulia naik drastis, sayangnya diriku gak tau hal itu karena pastinya bakal banyak untung didapat.

  22. Pandemi telah memberikan dampak pada semua bidang, termasuk investasi. Meskipun pasar properti sempat mengalami stagnasi, saat ini ada peluang untuk pulih kembali, dan investasi di sektor properti masih dianggap sebagai pilihan yang baik.

  23. Keputusan mengambil properti tidak bisa sepihak gitu aja. Semua perlu dibicarakan, bagaimana cicilannya besok? Sanggup kah? Karena biaya KPR kalo nggak telitit.bisa fatal loh kayak video yang viral minggu² kemarin

  24. Alhamdulillah pandemik perlahan mereda dan lewat, sektor properti mulai menggeliat, begitu juga perekonomian lainnya

  25. sudah waktunya recovery setelah pandemi usai,
    semoga bisa cepat pulih saja semua sektor

  26. kalo bagi Saya sih, pandemi Covid – 19 menjadi penetrasi pentingnya pemanfaatan teknologi dan memaksa masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan digital, Terutama dalam Mendorong Usaha-usaha baru di Era Transformasi Digital, literasi Digital bidang keuangan juga salah satunya, terkait loan, investment dan sebagainya

  27. Pandemi memang berdampak ke semua sektor. Dan setuju sekali untuk membelanjakan uang, termasuk di dalamnya membeli rumah, harus dilihat dulu apakah kita memiliki kesanggupan untuk membayarnya

  28. Pandemi kemarin memang sangat bikin pening banyak orang. Walau begitu, kita tetap harus jeli dalam mengambil peluang apapun yang ada agar bisa cepat pulih kembali seperti sediakala. Biar bisa segera punya properti sendiri juga :)

  29. Pandemi memang bikin puyeng. Tp soal beli properti harus teliti sih, apalagi kalo buat investasi. Saat ngecek harus dipastikan betul ga ada yg terlewat. Klo ga ya repot. Soalnya kan beli properti butuh uang ga sedikit.

  30. Dampak pandemi Covid 19 kemarin memang menyentuh hampir semua sisi kehidupan ya..termasuk di bidang bisnis properti. Semoga dg berjalannya waktu dampak negatif semakin berkurang dan bisnis kembali labcar

  31. Understanding those impacts is vital for making informed decisions in the ever-evolving landscape of real estate investment.


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