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Conducting A SWOT Analysis for Business

I’ve been dealing with business for more than 3 years. Conducting a SWOT analysis for my business after years of operation is a great practice. It allows me to consider my business position, identify areas of improvement, and capitalize on opportunities for further growth. 

SWOT analysis holds significance for several reasons in business. It’s a strategic planning tool used to evaluate a business venture, project, or in this case, any situation that requires strategic assessment. 

ISBN 978-1-62620-951-0 © FME Team

Here I breakdown the components of SWOT analysis:


Internal factors that give advantages, include; a strong brand reputation, unique skills or resources, efficient processes, innovative products, or a loyal customer base, etc.


Internal factors that may place the entity at a disadvantage compared to others. This might encompass areas such as poor management, lack of resources, outdated technology, or any shortcomings within the organization.


External factors that the entity could exploit to its advantage. These could include emerging market trends, technological advancements, new consumer needs, or gaps in the market that the organization can leverage.


External factors that could potentially harm the business performance. Threats might include competition, economic downturns, changes in regulations, shifts in consumer behavior, or any other external factors that could negatively impact the organization.

When conducting a SWOT analysis:

  • Be Comprehensive: Consider all aspects relevant to the situation being analyzed.
  • Be Realistic: Be honest about the internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as the external opportunities and threats.
  • Use it for Strategy: SWOT analysis helps in devising strategies to leverage strengths and opportunities while minimizing weaknesses and threats.
  • Prioritize and Act: Once the analysis is complete, prioritize the most critical elements and take action to capitalize on strengths and opportunities, while addressing weaknesses and mitigating threats.

Here's how you might approach a SWOT analysis for your established business:

  1. Strategic Planning: SWOT analysis helps in formulating strategies. By assessing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, businesses can devise plans that capitalize on their advantages while addressing potential challenges.
  2. Identification of Key Areas: It provides a structured approach to identifying internal factors that are advantageous (strengths) and detrimental (weaknesses) to the business, as well as external factors that offer opportunities and threats to the business environment.
  3. Decision Making: It assists in decision-making processes. Understanding internal capabilities and external influences helps in making informed decisions about future directions, investments, and resource allocation.
  4. Risk Assessment and Mitigation: SWOT analysis helps in evaluating potential risks and devising strategies to mitigate them. By identifying threats in advance, businesses can take proactive measures to minimize their impact.
  5. Improving Performance: By focusing on weaknesses, businesses can work on improving internal processes, products, or services. Similarly, leveraging strengths and opportunities can enhance overall business performance.
  6. Competitive Advantage: Understanding the competitive landscape through SWOT analysis enables businesses to differentiate themselves. It allows them to capitalize on unique strengths and opportunities that competitors may not possess.
  7. Adaptation to Changes: Regular SWOT analyses allow businesses to adapt to changing market conditions. As the business environment evolves, reassessing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats helps in staying agile and responsive.
  8. Communication and Alignment: SWOT analysis facilitates communication and alignment within the organization. It provides a common framework for stakeholders to discuss the current state of the business and align on future strategies.

Overall, SWOT analysis is a versatile tool that aids businesses in understanding their current position, identifying areas for improvement, and making informed decisions to navigate the complexities of the business landscape effectively. It can be applied to various scenarios, whether it's assessing a business, a project, personal development, or making decisions in different situations.


  1. Lihat diagram SWOT ini, jadi ingat jaman2 Diklat kepemimpinan hehe.. Tapi memang bagus banget nih utk memetakan kondisi termasuk usaha kita..

  2. Iya, emang dari dulu banyak sekali pelaku bisnis yang menggunakan analisa swot untuk mengembangkan bisnisnya ya kak

  3. Jadi ingat dulu kalau mau ikutblomba proposal bisnis tuh pasti ngulek-ngulek ini. Tapi giliran ngejalanin usaha sendiri gak dipakai. Wah emang kacau ya harusnya analisis SWOT ini hadir di setiap pertimbangan bisnis kita.

  4. Knowing your SWOT is important thing when you want growing up business.

  5. SWOT analysis memang penting ya buat bisnis. Gak ada yang sempurna. Jadi kita kudu tetap cek, kelemahan dan kekuatan bisnis kita di mana. Manfaatin peluang itu wajib karena ya setiap perubahan pasti ada pengaruhnya di bisnis kita

  6. Keren Kak pencapaiannya. Karir di SWOT sebagai analisis ini tak bisa sembarangan orang mampu lho ya. Sukses selalu ya

  7. pertama saya kenal analisis SWOT ya jaman kuliah dulu karena emang kuliah jurusan manajemen kan. Jadi sedikit banyak tahu dan menerapkan ke usaha yang dijalankan sekarang

  8. Sampai sekarang saya masih memakai analisis SWOT dalam pekerjaan.

  9. I've heard about SWOT in managerial training 5 years ago. And inside the materials, risk and assesment in one of the hardest part. Why? We have to plan the worse case and how to prevent the worst one with win win solutions. 🥲

  10. I see, thats all we need to improve everything. We must evaluate SWOT for better life

  11. SWOT analysis is not only for the business world, but can also be used for other types of work. This SWOT analysis is very helpful in finding solutions to existing problems

  12. ga cuma pas kuliah, kini kerja kebetulan karirnya diperusahaan swasta nasional dan bidangnya bisnis analis. SWOT ya ttp dipakai dan masih sesuai, cuma mungkin diperdalam lagi. keren tulisannya

  13. Analisis SWOT ini dari dulu sudah digunakan untuk menganalisa jalannya bisnis yg sedang berjalan. Dengan begitu, keputusan atau kebijakan yang diambil akan tepat sasaran.

  14. SWOT analysis is a great tool for decision making. Not only in business but also in more personal use. By identifying its components, we can have a better view for any options available before making a decision or selecting a solution.

  15. For a business, it is important to use SWOT analysis which has a method to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a company.
    In order to determine the strategy and direction of the company in the future and conduct strategic planning before carrying out business activities.

  16. Kalau lagi ikut seminar atau belajar bisnis, SWOT ini bisa dikatakan jadi metode yang oke dalam penerapan bisnis, sehingga bisa ditemukan solusi tatkala terjadi kendala yang memungkinkan terjadi

  17. Menurutku analisis SWOT ini adalah metode yang cukup populer tapi terkadang dalam pengaplikasiannya juga tidak mudah...Perencaannya harus matang dulu, baru mulai dieksekusi

  18. aku analisa swot ini baru tahu beberapa tahun terakhir eh. benar-benar bingung waktu orang bilang swot itu apaan ya? heu. entah karena memang akunya yang kurang baca atau memang kurang populer waktu aku sekolah dulu. tapi pastinya memang penting banget ya melakukan analisa ini sebelum mulai berbisnis

  19. Swot is one important thing in product managrnent that should be using.

  20. Berasa baca materi kuliahku jadul. SWOT masih sangat relevan hingga kini untuk diterapkan

  21. Ternyata penting banget ya analisis SWOT ini. Jadi inget waktu zaman kuliah belajar tentang ini. Sekarang malah udah agak lupa. Padahal masih tetap relevan.

  22. Analisa SWOT ini bisa bermanfaat nih apalagi buat diterapkan jaman now


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