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Ancol: Interesting Theme Park!

"Holiday in Ancol, yeay!"

With my lovely grandma (enin)
Several months ago we went to Ancol for holiday. It's really an interesting place to visit. This is the most popular recreation park in Jakarta. There, we can see and enjoy some of thrilling rides, theatres, fauna attractions, and beaches. All combine to create the magical environments for family.

There are some locations we can visit in Ancol, such as; Fantasy world, Sea World, Ocean Dream Samudra, Atlantis, Ancol Beach, etc. At that time, we didn't visit Fantasy World because there are some rides and attraction which are not suitable for Vito's age. So, we skipped it. The destinations that we visited; Ocean Dream Samudra (ODS), Atlantis, and Ancol Beach. I hope, next holiday Vito can see and go to the Sea World.

Kissed by a sea lion

Ocean Dream Samudra (ODS) was the first place we visited. Here, you and your family can be entertained by some adorable animals. There are some stunning action of various animals; the action of the sea lions, dolphin-human companions, underwater drama about dolphins, mermaids, and divers. Other rides that we can enjoy are 4 Dimension movie which gives your children physical effects experince which occur in the theatre. Last, the action of the stuntman show on Scorpion Pirates, but I think it isn't suitable for the children because there a lot of surprises from sudden firecracker explosions.

We do love dolphin, they are gorgeous and genius
Swimming time!
Selfie with my lovely kiddo
A water park is part of Ancol theme park, known as Atlantis Water Adventure. It is a swimming arena with several types of swimming pools. The pool types are swimming pool with fountain, rainbow balls pool, streaming pool, waterfall pool, wave pool, rainbow pool, and river rapids pool. Rainbow balls pool is a pool for children and family, it's only 0.5 meter depth. In Atlantis, we can swim, enjoy various pools, and slides.

Holiday in Ancol was closed with the unbeatable experience of dining outdoors at Saung Kuring (Sundanesse restaurant). You can dine and hang out by the beach while enjoying sea-view as far as the eye can see.

Holiday in Ancol must be a lot of fun and unforgettable. It's a great moment with family, for sure!


  1. udah lama banget ngga liat pertunjukan dolphin, terakhir pas kelas 4 SD :p

  2. Iya mak Rahmi, seru banget. Saya sampe terkesima liat pertunjukan dolphin, rasanya jadi pengen melihara. hehehehe

    Makasih udah berkunjung ya, mak.

    warmn regards,

  3. Ancol itu tempat liburan favorit waktu SD dulu. Bisa jadi tiap tahun ke sana.. bisa diajak kakek, mama, atau rombongan. Hihi.. saya punya cerita masa kecil yang indah di sana.
    Semoga nanti bisa sama anak saya ke sana. aamiin

  4. Hai Pita, Ancol memang tempat seru buat liburan baremg keluarga, ya. Kita belum kesampean ngunjungi seaworld. Semoga liburan selanjutnya bisa kesana. hehehe

    Salam hangat :)

  5. Belum pernah ajak anak-anak ke Ancol. Pengen banget ajak mereka main-main di Ancol

  6. Wah mak Ika, ajak anak-anak ke Ancol seru banyak wahana sama pertunjukannya di ODS. Kalo anak-anak udah menjelang dewasa Dufan asik buat ngelepas adrenaline. hehe

    Makasih udah mampir.

    Salam hangat selalu,
    Zia :)


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