Taking Vito to the book store is fun. He looks for the books he loves. Sometime he has the conversation about the book stuff with other kid he just met, who has same interest.
Before you take your kids to the bookstore, the things you need to do; First, introduce books to them - when they are baby, for example begin with bed-time stories. When they grow up to the toddler, give them motivation in reading with some interesting reading material, Then, you can take them to the library, which you can expose to more books. After they found their favorites, so you can take your kids to the bookstore to buy their favorite books.
Kalo ponakanku justru minta diajak ke toko buku terus, soalnya dia emang suka banget sama alat tulis, hehehe
Iya, saya juga ajak anak saya sesekali untuk ke toko buku. Seru banget bisa mengenalkan anak ke dunia baca. :)