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New Year's Resolutions

New Years Resolutions
It's December and entering the new year people often talk about the resolution. What is the resolution? New year's resolution is actually a secular tradition for western people, but now people all over the world competing to make resolutions during the final seconds of the year. New year's resolution makes you promise yourself to start the new year that will be examined.

Here's a new year's resolution that is popular among the people:
Improve physical health
  • Consumption of healthy foods
  • Lose weight
  • Exercising regularly
  • Not drinking alcohol
  • Quit smoking
  • Impose a healthy lifestyle
Spiritual increase
  • Closer to God
  • More enterprising worship
  • Leaving things that distanced themselves from God
  • Improve mental health
  • Always think positive
  • More often laugh
  • Enjoy life
Improve financial
  • Free of debt
  • Familiarize saving
  • Investing gradually
  • Improve career and business
  • Doing a better job
  • More disciplined and orderly
  • Looking for a better job
  • Building a standalone business
Increase in terms of education
  • Study harder
  • Get better grades
  • School to higher level
  • Learn new things such as music or a foreign language
  • More reading
Improve self and personality
  • Disciplining yourself
  • Reduce stress
  • Discipline time
  • Not grumpy
  • More independent
  • Reduce watching TV and playing games
  • More social
  • Caring for the environment
Improve living targets
  • Go abroad
  • Engaged
  • Married
  • Have children
  • Spending quality time for the family
New Year's resolutions such as an itinerary of life to achieve a better life than in previous years. Some of these have implemented this resolution properly and successfully. How about you, do you have any resolution?


  1. resolusiku apa ya... belum kepikir..yang pasti semoga lebih baik dari tahun2 sebelumnya

    btw, aku kaget kiraiun dirimu minum alkohol dan merokok..ternyata itu resolusi general ya xD.. *maaf maklum pake bhs inggris xD

  2. Hello Mak Echa,

    Aamiin... semoga kita semua menjadi manusia yang lebih baik lagi ke depannya yah. :)
    Hahahaha. Hooh mak itu resolusi general kebanyakan orang. Alhamdulilah saya jauh dari hal-hal yang kayak begitu. :)

    Terima kasih udah meninggalkan jejak ya, mak. :*

    Warm regards,

  3. Semoga semua resolusi terwujud. Saya sih belum punya resolusi terbaru mak. Masih yang lama wkwkwk

  4. Hai mak Tian,

    Iya, kalo resolusiku sendiri secara spesifik masih ada di benak belum ditulis. Hahaha
    Aammin untuk semua yang punya resolusi, semoga lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Makasih udah mampir yah. *hugs!

    warm regards,


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