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Can't Wait for Finding Dory

In 2003, I have a favorite animated-drama-adventure film which produced by Pixar Animation Studio and released by Walt Disney Pictures, it's Finding Nemo. Most of us must know that Finding Nemo has a story about overprotective clown-fish named Marlin who along with a regal-tang named Dory, they search for Marlin's son, named Nemo, along the way to Sydney Harbor. It's really long journey to find Nemo. 

I really love all of the film packages. Finding Nemo was re-released in 3D on September 14, 2012. Unfortunately, I haven't watched it yet. It's about 13 years ago when I was in a high school, now I have 6 year-old-son who still can watch the animated film that I like on DVD or TV channel. Vito has watched Finding Nemo. He also loves it! 

Now, my son and I have seen on TV a brand-new trailer for the upcoming sequel of Finding Nemo. It's like a flashback for me, more than a decade since Nemo was reunited with all the family. In the next upcoming film, it tells about Nemo and Marlin on a search for answers about Dory's past. It's focused on (the amnesiac character) Dory. The film's entitled "Finding Dory", the film still produced by Pixar Animation Studios, also released by Walt Disney Pictures. Andrew Stanton who directed the original film returns as director and writer. The film is scheduled to be released on June, 2016. The characters from the "Finding Nemo" will appear in this sequel; Dory, Nemo, Marlin, and the "Tank Gang".

I always accompany my son to watch tv or movies. Through this film he can explore places and sea animals. It's entertaining and educational. The good character on film may influence him, he can learn to think and how to solve a problem. Kids may influenced by characters they see on tv or movies, this can give a negative result, but it can be positive as well. So far, a lot of kids animated film that had been released have some positive awareness. The characters give positive choices, they can influence in a good way. It truly can have a positive effect on children, but back to the parents, we have to be wise ones.

Back to Finding Dory film, we are really excited! In Indonesia the film is also scheduled on June 2016. "Can't Wait for Finding Dory!"


  1. Iya sih...menurutku mayoritas film anak2 bawa pesan positif...

    1. Hai mba Ade,

      Iya, rata-rata film anak punya pesan moral dan bisa kasih pembelajaran yang bagus untuk anak.

      Terima kasih udah berkunjung, ya.

      Warm regards.

  2. Aaah aku suka filmnya. Pengen nonton yang Finding Dory juga ah.

    1. Hello teh Efi,

      Filmnya memang seru. Aku sama Vito juga ga sabar buat nonton Finding Dory, masih lama yaaa, tp udah dimasukin ke list nonton bulan Juni. Hehehe

      Makasih udah mampir.

      Warm regards,

  3. Aku pengen nonton juga ini, udah bisa belum ya io dibawa nonton ke bioskop. Bareng yuu teeej pengen nonton ntar Juni hihiih..
    Quotes nemo aja masih selalu nempel di aku. Hehehe
    yang ini pasti ga kalah seru

    1. Hai teh Sinta,

      Yuk, kita bareng krucils. Klo io antengan dan suka nonton kayaknya udah bisa di bawa ke bioskop. Tips bawa anak ke bioskop untuk pertama kali yang pasti pilih film yang sesuai sama kesukaan anak, kayaknya io bakal suka nih cerita tentang ikan. Pengalamanku dulu pas pertama kali bawa Vito nonton pas umur 5taun, pas dia ngerasa jenuh, boleh kita bawa dulu keluar sebentar. :)

      Sipppp nanti Juni kita nobar, yah.

      Sun sayang buat io :*

      Warm regards,

  4. Halo teh Zia,

    Blognya keren, pake bahasa Inggris. :) (y) (y)

    Anak-anakku suka Finding Nemo juga. Jadi penasaran ya gimana nanti. Kira-kira Dori bakalan sembuh gak ya dari penyakit lupanya itu.

    Cant't wait too. Juni mah pas puasa berarti ya. Nonton sambil ngabuburit.

    1. Hai Teh Uwien,

      Iya teh, ngeblog sambil latihan dan belajar terus biar bahasa Inggrisnya ga luntur. Masih banyak kurangnya. hehehe

      Sama nih, penasaran sama Finding Dori. Hihihi Pas puasa buat ngabebenjokeun Vito latian puasa sambil ngabuburit.

      Makasih udah mampir, ya.

      Warm regards,


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