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Blogging for Passion

My main profession is as a full time mother and housewife; taking care of my son, husband, and our house. I also teach English to the elementary children, but no longer in the institution. The focus of my career is working from home, then I opened a small English class for private lessons at home. Writing is part of my additional job as a content writer and blogger as well. 

Alhamdulillah, I never feel bored with my routine activities. Maybe if my mood is not okay, I would read books or play some musical instruments. Besides taking care of the household and teaching, I usually do blogging activities in my spare time, all the blogging stuff is run as fun as possible.

Around 2006, I created a blog as a "bucket" to convey my feeling, write poetry or some kind of random thoughts. My previous blog link was Now the blogosphere is growing and developing so fast. My husband is an IT enthusiast and he's engaged also in the cyber world, he changed my blog to private domain. He created (English post) in 2013 and in 2014. What does zeelhouette mean? It is a combination of two words Zee (my nick name) and silhouette (the image of a person or object represented as a solid shape of a single color with its edges that matches the outline of the subject). So, zeelhouette has kind of personal philosophy, by the name, it gives meaning that my blog represents my self, my image, my life, my world. In other hand, is in Bahasa Indonesia, ruang baca dan tulis means a room/place to read and write, it has no deep philosophy but has a common meaning that will be understood easily. Aside, my blog's theme is about fall, it's because I'm really in love with autumn.

My husband really supports me to thrive in the blog world. Now, I'm trying to be consistent in blogging, at least making one or two posts in a month. I'm really grateful with my supportive husband who always responds me positively. In 2014, I joined some blogger's communities, there I got so many blogging tips and experiences. I've been learning about blog monetizing and improving my blog too. Now, I can say that blogging is one of my passions.


  1. Woow, you are the teacher too ?
    I am a proud friend teh zee, you are productive woman.
    Join the community is great to me too, i have a lot friend and do the passion. Cheers for us, cheers for blogging

    1. Yes, I am, teh. Hehehe I gained so many wonderful friends fr blogging communities. There are a lot of inspiring figures.

      I'm proud of you too, teh Sinta. You're a great mom, awesome photographer, and good blogger as well.

      Thank you and cheers!

      Warm regards,

  2. hai zia, salam kenal. Yes, so wonderfull if your husband really supports you for this blogging activities. My husband supports me too..

    1. Hi,

      Salam kenal juga ya, Lia.

      Alhamdulillah, we are blessed wifes. hehehe
      Thank you for visiting. Keep blogging! Keep our spirit burning!

      *hugs :*

  3. Wah mbak zia ini pandai sekali dalam berbahasa inggrisnya, sudah cantik pinter juga bahasa inggrisnya.
    Salam kenal mbak.

    1. Hallo kang Nurul Iman,

      Duh, bisa aja kang. Saya masih belajar juga kok. Hehehe
      Terima kasih sudah mampir.

      Salam kenal juga :)

  4. Salam dear...I find it so unique how you came up with your blog name zee masha'Allah. i'm happy that you found your passion in blogging :)
    sending you lots of love and positivity

    1. Waalaikumsalam,

      Thank you, dear. Glad to meet you in this blogging circle.
      Anyway, Ramadan is about to be over, just a few days left, may Allah always bless us. :*

      Sending loves and hugs for you and your family in Kenya.

    2. Thank you for dua'a. I'm glad we met even though we live in different parts of the world (the power of the internet).
      Keeping you and your little family in my dua'a during these last days of Ramadan :)

  5. Saya suka nama blognya, zeelhouette...
    Suami saya jg orang it, tp slama ini cmn ngasih dukungan perangkat aja... Utak-atik template, ganti domain, dll malah blajar sendiri hihi...

    1. Hai mama Javier,

      Wah, makasih. Hehehe
      Iya alhamdulillah difasilitasi dan diajari juga, selebihnya wajib bisa otak-atik sendiri.

      Keren atuh teh belajar sendiri. Blog teteh juga kece. aku suka. :*

  6. Walaupun saya nggak pinter bahasa Inggris, baca tulisan mba Zia enak banget, saya mudah mengerti, kereeen

    1. Alhamdulillah mba kalo tulisan saya mudah dimengerti, soalnya ditulisannya disisipi bahasa kalbu. hehehe

      Makasih udah mampir ya, mba. :*

  7. salut, bisa kepegang 2 blog ;).. aku aja 1 blog msh keteteran mbak mau updateny -__- .

    1. Hai mba Fanny, ini juga dua masih belum intens post, minimal 2 posts sebulan setiap blog. hehehe

      Semangat terus, mba... :)

  8. aku ga bisa berbahasa inggris dengan fasih, tapi membaca tulisannya aku paham dan mengerti
    so sweet banget yaa kalo dapet dukungan dari suami, bikin langkah kita nyaman dalam ngeblog

    ayo banyak2 belajar ngeblog lagii yuuk!
    n tetep have fun ngeblog eeaa

    1. Teh Nchie... Mesti banyak belajar dunia per-blog-an dari teteh nih aku. Hehehe

      Wah alhamdulillah kalo bisa dimengerti teh. Aku juga ga bisa menyusun kata-kata yang terlalu compicated, se-simple mungkin aja. Iya teh ada restu suami kan jadi tenang ngeblognya. hehehe

      Yup! tetep asyik dan dibikin happy. :*

  9. gw 1 blog aja acak kadutketetran hahaha
    semangat ngeblog yuk

    1. Maz Toro satu juga tapi dahsyat lah blognya kece banget. Apalagi isinya bikin envy! Ahahaha

      Semangat terus maz... :)

  10. Kalo njalani dengan happy, pasti semangat, ya? ^^ Blogger juga passionku lho. :D #ngaku-ngaku

    1. Iya mba Anisa, dijalaninya enjoy aja biar tetep happy... :)

      Semangat mba, mesti belajar juga nih secara blognya mba Anisa banyak banget. Keren... Hehehehe :*

  11. Pelatihan KaryawanJuly 21, 2016 at 8:36 PM

    Semangattt ...
    Berpikir positif dan selalu berusaha

  12. Awesome! You able to run 2 blogs.
    I agree, when we do some thing that we love, we will never work a day in our life.

    1. Thank you mba Rosanna.

      Yup! Indeed, mba. If we do what we love, so we'll love what we do. *hug!



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