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My Experience Visiting Borobudur

Borobudur temple is one of the premier tourist objects in Indonesia. Several years ago I decided to go to Yogyakarta as a destination for cultural tourism. I had the opportunity to get into Keraton Yogyakarta, it's such a priceless experience. Then I scheduled a visit to Borobudur and Prambanan temples.

My experience visiting Borobudur temple was quite exciting. From Yogyakarta I headed to Borobudur in the morning, after breakfast at the hotel. Borobudur is located about 40 km from the city of Yogyakarta or about 100 km from Semarang. Administratively Borobudur including the district of Magelang, Central Java. So many people thought that Borobudur is located in Yogyakarta, it is actually located in Magelang.

When I arrived, there were many visitors. Indonesia is fortunate enough having Borobudur temple which has been recognized as one of the world heritage. Based on historical records, Borobudur was founded by the Mahayana Buddhists around the year 800 AD, during the reign of the Sailendra dynasty. Borobudur temple has stupa shaped, a Buddhist temple and one of the largest Buddhist monument in the world.

The weather there was quite hot. I come from Bandung city which the air is quite cool, when I got here I felt so hot. I continued a trip up the stairs, entered the temple monument, and reached the top. I could also get around inside the temple to see the statues of Buddhist and carvings engraved on the walls of the temple. Borobudur seems built on a hill that is trimmed to landmark buildings of the temple.

According to Wikipedia, Borobudur monument consists of six square terraces on which there are three circular courtyard. The walls are decorated with 2,672 relief panels. Borobudur has the most complete collection of Buddhist reliefs in the world. Inside the temple there are 504 statues of Buddha. The main stupa in the middle crowned this building, surrounded by three rows of circular 72 perforated stupas in which there is a statue of Buddha sitting cross-legged in the lotus position perfectly. In the great temple itself is not in the room. So Borobudur is the arrangement of stones arranged in such a way according to the design architect.

Actually, I wanted to see the sunrise phenomenon of Borobudur, but unfortunately I got there was so late. Hopefully I'll be able to visit Borobudur again and watching the sunrise from there.

Borobudur is used as a place of religious pilgrimage. The Buddhists who come from all over Indonesia and abroad gather at Borobudur celebrating Vesak Trisuci. 


  1. aku blom pernah ke Borobudur, pengen banget..harus buat list nih ke Borobudur

    1. Sekarang lebih tertata mba Tuty. Ayooo pengalaman seru berkunjung ke Borobudur. :)

  2. Plis plis come here agaaainnnn aku pasti samperin janjiiiii. Bolos terapi aku relaaaa

    1. Will do. Ahhh aku pengen banget gendong sama nyiumin ubii dan uyel2in Aiden.

      Nanti pasti berkabar kalo mampir ke sana lagiii...

  3. Replies
    1. Coetnya ngke jadi bersejarah geura, bun. Hehehehe

  4. sudah lama gak kemari, jaman aku sekolah dulu

    1. Sekarang udah ada perubahan, mba Tira. 😊

  5. Sudah kesini thn lalu, dan kau kesini lagi.. Jogja selalu bikin rindu

    1. Saya juga nanti kalo ada waktu pengen ke Borobudur lagi. Hehehe

  6. Borobudur temple is a must visit, it's incredible

  7. How I miss Indonesia. Been there with my husband long time ago..Kangeeen

    1. People who live abroad always miss so many great things here, ya kak. Kalo pulang nanti pengen ketemuuu... hehehe

    2. Aku di Bandung kak Dewi sayang. :*

  8. Takjub sama keindahan candi Indonesia. Thanks for sharing btw.


    1. Candi di Indonesia memang megah dan indah banget. Warisan sejarah yang harus dilestarikan. :)


  9. Replies
    1. Sama mba, saya juga kalo ada kesempatan ingin berkunjung lagi ke sana. :)


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