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Keep The Children Healthy during Ramadan

Shaum/Sawm is one of The Five Pillars of Islam. Ramadan (a complete fasting), we do the fast for about 29 or 30 days in a row. It is the Holy Month for Muslims. Those twelve years old and above must complete their fast from dawn to sunset. 

I've started to teach my child to fast from the last two years when he was 6 years old, even he's just done his first fast for only a couple hours, at least he tried. There are many even as young as four or five are encouraged to fast for a few hours a day during Ramadan by their parents. It's to begin appreciating the significance of the Holy month of Ramadan. Alhamdulillah, I'm very grateful, this Ramadan my son now is 8 years old and so excited about following Ramadan completely.

Vito's Ramadan activities quite diverse, ranging from school exams, pesantren, and other activities. So that I really need to maintain his condition and health during Ramadan. In this opportunity, I'm going to give some tips for children while fasting during Ramadan.
  • They certainly must take a pre-fast meal (suhoor). This is an important meal. Keep their food intake which can serve to provide energy during fasting all day. The food menu that they have to eat is balanced and complete food, but not excessive. The food should contain complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, proteins, milk and other dairy products, as well as food products containing sugar and fat are shouldn't excessive. 
  • Establish a sleeping schedule. It's important for your children to get around 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night and wake up in suhoor time.
  • Create fun Ramadan activities for children.
  • Ask your children to help you with meal preparations and let them choose a healthy favorite menu for their break fast time. 
  • Take some additional intake for your children. 
Let me tell you about Vito's Ramadan story which has a correlation with the last point above. So, at the day-12 of Ramadan Vito got sick, and then my friend recommended Stimuno to strengthen the body's immune of my child. I also tried to get the further information about Stimuno from this link It really helps me. Alhamdulillah, he's condition is getting better. The way to keep his body healthy now (cara menjaga kesehatan tubuh) is with consuming Stimuno.

My friend said, "Zi, Minum Stimuno setiap hari untuk menjaga sistem imun anak". She asked me to give my son Stimuno everyday especially when his body gets dropped, it's good to restore the immune system. 

Why Stimuno is so good? It is not a multivitamin. It's a herbal supplement made from natural materials used to improve the body's immune system. It works by stimulating the body to produce more antibodies and increase the activity of the immune system to keep the immune system working optimal. 

Stimuno contains a single composition of meniran plant extract (Phyllanthus niruri). It's also has been (FITOFARMAKA) certified by BPOM which given to herbal products that have been through pre-clinic and clinic tests (sudah teruji klinis) so that the efficacy and safety is guaranteed. 

My son drinks Stimuno sirup, and grape flavor is his favorite. One tablespoon of Stimuno syrup containing 25 mg of meniran extract. It is safe to consume together with medicine or vitamins, but its not recommended to be given in conjunction with immune system suppressant drugs (such as corticosteroids) and in individuals with hyper-reactive, autoimmune, or allergic immune-related conditions. This has been proven through various clinical trials of various diseases. Stimuno does not need to be used daily for prevention. However, the best use of Stimuno is when the immune system decreases as in the case of symptoms, fatigue, etc. #Sehat365hari

I hope these tips can help you to keep your children healthy while fasting during Ramadan. 💜


  1. Supercute Vitoooo....sehat selaku ya Naaakk

    1. Makasih tante Wid sayang. Sehat-sehat dan selalu semangat ya. :*

  2. Great Mas Vito :)
    Hopely you could always be happy while ramadhan coming and keep spirit to doing the fasting.
    I hope your family especially the kid is always healthy, Aamiin. :)

    1. Aamiin. Thank you for all kind words and prays, aunt Julia. :)

  3. Iya banget, selama Ramadhan mah kudu sehat. Alhamdulillah anak-anak juga sehat. Dan bener, kudu 'didoping' multivitamin. Tanpa itu, agak susah buat sehat dan fit. Sehat-sehat selalu, Vito...

    1. Iya teh, perlu asupan tambahan, ini suplemen untuk imun sistem tubuh anak biar ga gampang sakit. :)

      Makasih t Nia. :*

  4. sehat selalu Vito.. biar puasanya lancar terus :)

    1. Terima kasih tante Firda. Sehat dan lancar juga ya puasanya. :*

  5. Wiii, aku sama Vito sama nih.. Sama-sama seneng minum Stimuno cair demi menjaga sistem imun.. Hihi.. Semoga kita semua senantiasa diberikan kesehatan ya.. :)

    1. Untuk dewasa ada Stimuno Forte bentuk kapsul gitu. Kalo yang ngga suka kapsul minum Stimuno sirup juga gpp, teh. :)

      Aamiin. Semoga kita sehat semua. :*

  6. Thank you Zia for your information, I think my children should to drink stimuno too.... :)

    1. My pleasure. That sounds great, Teh. Hope our children are always healthy and happy. :)

  7. Aduh ini komennya mesti bahasa inggris juga ya? Tadi bacanya aja njelimet wkwkwkwk.

    Pokoknya Vito the best deh. Jadi harus jaga kesehatan. Biar bisa puas main2 lagi hahahahah

    1. Thank you mama Rani. Aamiin. Pastinya selalu jaga kesehatan. Mama Rani sehat-sehat juga ya, disana. :*

  8. Hi Teh Zia, really hepi read ur blog coz i can learn to reading english n now i prefer to comment in english *please give advice if i wrong* hahahaha
    Vito he's cool do some activity although he fasting of course bcos his mom give the best for vito. I am also drink stimuno for healthy during fasting. its good for me 😁 thx for sharing Teh zia

    1. Thank you. That's really good, Teh Herva. I do appreciate it. No need to worry about your composition, just go with the flow. Your English is nice. You only need to practice / read a little more.

      Yup, it's good to consume Stimuno (syrup for children & Forte for adult) to restore your immune system. :)

      Thanks for stopping by, teh.

  9. Anakku juga minum stimuno,bagus buat daya tahan tubuh..

    1. Iya, bagus buat sistem imun tubuh anak, mba. :)


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