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Homemade Steamed Chocolate Brownies

Who doesn't love chocolate brownies? It is a piece of flat rich chocolate cake, bitter-sweet, and delicious. This cake is very popular in Indonesia now. My son really loves it. There are two variants of brownies; steamed brownies and baked brownies. Which one is your favorite? Me, love steamed one. 

Steamed chocolate brownie
made bymy son
I like to make my own chocolate brownies. It's quite easy. Thank God I have a very lovely assistant in my kitchen, my son is my little partner who always help me to make some cakes and desserts.

Making brownie is pretty simple. Here it is, the chocolate brownie recipe, the ingredients are eggs, sugar, compound dark chocolate, butter / margarine / cooking oil, vanilla, flour, and salt. You just only have to mix it all together then steam or bake it. There are some sprinkles that you can add, such as cheese, Oreo, almond, or chocolate chips.  Another variation of brownie made with brown sugar, it is called a blonde-brownie.

This is it,
chocolate brownie with sprinkle cheese
Making chocolate brownies generally consist of three basic steps; Butter and chocolate melted, egg and sugar that's mixed together, and lastly put a little flour. Most brownies recipes begin with melting butter and cooking chocolate. The safest way for this process is to use two different size pans. Big pot filled with boiling water, then place a small bowl to melt the dark chocolate, stir until the chocolate melts, and another pan is for melting the butter. Mix all together with adding the mix egg and sugar, then put the flour little by little. Do not be too long mixing because the brownies will become wet, dense, and chewy. It will cause hard brownies or thin dry layers on the surface of the cake.

If you don't want to make the chocolate brownies from scratch, you can make the simplest brownie by using premix flour. You only need to add some melted butter and egg, mix all together, then steam for about 30 minuets. Tadaaaa... chocolate brownie is ready to serve. 

The form of classic brownie is commonly square or bar, but you can also bake or steam the brownies in small muffin molds, it will look like muffin or cupcake. I love to eat brownies accompanied by a cup of tea, coffee, or milk. It's so yummy. 

A slice of brownies can never be enough


  1. sukaaa nyemil brownies sambil nyeruput teh hijau

    1. Samaaa,aku juga suka makan brownies sambil ngeteh. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Iya, yummy banget, Teh. Homemade juga, bikinnya pake cinta. Hehehe

  3. Diantara kue kekinian termasuk punya artees2 aku mah masih setia sm brownies termasuk sm si anak mantu damai itu hehe, mau atuh browniesnya wkwkwk

    1. Aku juga suka yang brownies Anak Mantu Damai, yang originalnya juara. Hehehe

  4. Ahiiiw basa enggresan ^^ Maulah browniesnya dikirim2

    1. Iya nih, biar ilmunya ga meluap, Inggrisan. Hahaha. Sini melipir, Teh. :*

  5. waahh, its very simple and easy.. i wanna try to make it with my daughter ah.

    btw.. since its writen in english I wanna give comment with english too. Hahahaha... TFS teteehh

    1. Yup, it's very simple to make. What a good idea, baking brownies with your daughter must be lot of fun.

      Thank you Teh Ayu, I do really appreciate it. :*

  6. Baking is obviously out of my league. I'd rather buy the cake :D it looks so yummy i wanna eat it all! Next time you bake the cake dont forget to invite me, ziaaaa!

    1. Hahaha. I sometimes prefer to buy too. Will do, Ulu. InysaAllah I'll invite you, and please come by.

  7. I love brownies too, tfs ya sista^^ I wanna try asap;)

    1. *hi5 Yeay, making brownies is a lot of fun.

      Thank you for stopping by, Sandra.

  8. Menggoda sekali itu browniesnya.. jadi pengen, dah lama belum makan brownies lagi...

    1. Enaaakkk apalagi dibiknin sama anak. Hehehehe Langsung meluncur beli bahan premiks atau beli jadi. hihihi

  9. Enaakk brownies.
    Saya lbh sering bikin instan yg dikukus hihihi, yg paling aman ini buat saya yg gak pinter baking :D
    Tapi pengen jg sih kapan2 bikin sendiri, mau beli oven dulu :D

    1. Untuk latihan awal anak-anak bikin brownies memang lebih praktis pakai yang premiks mba. Hehehe

      Aku juga seringnya kukus-kukusan. :)

  10. I haven't cooked steamed brownies for a looooong time :). Thanks for sharing it, Zia..


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