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Work from Home (Remotely), Why Not?

It's my last business trip before the pandemic (February 5th, 2020)

Work from Home 

I've been working from home since 2013 as a content writer. I was taking a job as a full time freelancer after I resigned from one institution as a teacher. I really thank God and always try not to take everything for granted. Being a freelancer is quite challenging, yet interesting. The good things is - I can finish all my task and look-after my family at home at once. 

In 2017, I worked as digital marketing officer, at that time I came to the office several times in a week, but I signed the MoU (of course) as a freelancer as well, so I could finish the rest of my office-tasks at home. I really enjoyed my job for sure. 

Last two years I chose different working path, it's been more than a year I work at the office on weekdays. I work in one of radio stations in Bandung. When the first time I was hired, I was placed in the content and digital marketing division. However, after 3 months dealing with on-air division, I was entrusted to jump-right-in to take care of the entire on-air program as well. It's like my dream came true, cause radio is my passion since long time ago. It's so exciting, yet challenging!  

In 2019 Coronavirus attacks world, then in February 2020 the virus strikes Indonesia. Because of that, in the last 9 months I work remotely from home again. Remote work is a working style that allows professionals to work outside of a conventional office environment. I build communication and coordination with all radio crew remotely.  

Here are my working field that I handle remotely:

Program Directing

I research, plan, develop and implement all of the radio programs. My responsibilities include: Initiating and setting goals for ON AIR division. Program director is tasked with the daily running of the radio as well as meeting any future goals. I coordinate with program producer and responsible for the overall success of each program. I initiate and set goals according to the strategic objectives of the radio. 

Content Managing

I manage, create, and optimize/ publish engaging content. In addition I should edit, proofread, and improve writers’ posts and liaise with content creator. Content manager's task can be done remotely by using content management systems in managing content distribution. I develop an editorial calendar and ensure content team is on board, ensure compliance with law (copyright and data protection) and stay up-to-date with developments and generate new ideas to draw audience’s attention.

Digital Marketing 
  • I plan and execute all digital marketing, including marketing database, email, social media and display advertising campaigns. 
  • Design, build, and maintain social media presence.
  • Measure and report performance of all digital marketing campaigns, and assess against goals. 
  • Identify trends and insights, and optimize spend and performance based on the insights.
  • Brainstorm new and creative growth strategies.
  • Plan, execute, and measure experiments and conversion tests.
  • Collaborate with internal teams to create landing pages and optimize user experience.
  • Collaborate with agencies and other vendor partners.
Local Marketing 
  • I Develop content marketing strategy aligned with short-term and long-term marketing targets.
  • Responsible for local brand development.
  • Develop advertising strategies and promotion.
Everyone who works from home has to figure out when to work and where to work. The most challenging thing is, I have to create boundaries between work and of course personal life. When working from home most of the time, it means I have to figure out and pay attention to some issues, such as working equipment, working development, and building relationship with coworkers. 

Here are some tips how to be more productive home working life based on my experience. These are work from home tips that you can apply:

  1. Maintenance working schedule 
  2. Create to-do-list and working goals/ target
  3. Set ground rules with people in your space 
  4. Working break 
  5. Don't forget your "me time"
  6. Ask for help to your spouse when you can't handle things
  7. Socialize with your coworker by face time 
  8. Clear coordination and communication 
  9. Take part in video conference or conference call to attend meeting 
  10. Prepare your remote work report 



  1. I always thought that directing a radio program is only possible under certain equipments such as radio tower. But I think you do not need that sophisticated situation, so you can run it from home, do you?

    1. Definitely, due to some circumstances, I can manage the situation by taking coordinatation with the announcer or producer who reapinsible for the overall success of the program.

  2. Pekerjaan Digital Marketing sebenernya dari dulu paling nyaman kerja dari rumah/cafe/dimanapun.
    Makanya bagi mereka pekerja digimar udah ga kaget pas pandemi muncul WFH, udah biasa. Seruu..
    Yang penting ada koneksi inet lancar jaya buat tektokan sama yang dioffice ato yg sedang bertugas.
    Love pekerjaaan begini akutu..
    Sukses buat Zia

  3. indeeeed mba... now I have worked from home more and more frequently but I am still productive! But I have to admit I do miss my office and my colleagues

  4. Corona has changed all. Aku pun tadinya nggak tahu kalau siaran radio bisa di rumah. Tapi sejak corona aku juga bisa lihat teman-temanku yang penyiar radio siaran dari rumah. Lucu sih karena nggak biasa. Bahkan kata mereka little bit weird karena kadang backsoundnya suara anak nangis atau demi clear suaranya harus siaran di dalam mobil

  5. Bekerja secara remote cukup banyak juga ya, bahkan pekerjaan yg memang daku pikir itu bisanya di lokasi aja.
    Kala Pandemi, jadi mengajarkan kita banyak hal termasuk pekerjaan remote ini


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