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MY BERRY FARM: Fresh Premium Strawberry Bandung

Strawberry is a sub-tropical fruit. It turns out that strawberry is actually not a berry family, but the genus is from the rose family (Rosaceae). Strawberry was first cultivated in the United States around 1835 and has become a widely grown plant in home gardens and widespread in agriculture. All cultivated strawberries are developed from four main species. The first, the wood strawberry (Fragaria vesca), is a fragile woodland species native to the mountains of Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. Meadow strawberry (Fragaria virginiana) in eastern North America was introduced to Europe during the 17th century. The beach strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis) is native to the mountainous regions of the Western Hemisphere, and a fourth cultivated strawberry species developed classified as Fragaria moschata is common in Central Europe. Most of the strawberry varieties cultivated today were developed from the North American varieties, known as Wilson, Crescent, Sharpless, and Longworth. (Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007. © 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation)

Currently, strawberry is widely cultivated in Indonesia, especially in the highlands. Many strawberry varieties are grown in Indonesia, such as California, Kelly Bright, Mencir, etc. Strawberry is a favorite fruit, for topping or garnish for cakes, jams/purees, smoothies/juices, puddings, or fruit salads. 


My Berry Farm is an online fruit shop that was officially launched in November 2020 in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. There are various kind of strawberries here, but the main strawberry offered is premium quality. Strawberries from My Berry Farm are produced from a private strawberry farm in Ciwidey, West Java, Indonesia. The strawberries are planted, cared, and cultivated well, from harvesting to packing, they are handled carefully. There are so many strawberry varieties, Mencir type is selected to be cultivated and sold by My Berry Farm. Mencir variety is not imported strawberry. Strawberry from My Berry Farm is the best quality local strawberry with a sweet and fresh taste.


One of the best strawberry variety that is grown in Indonesia is Mencir. It is the result of a cross between California and Festival (Fragaria x ananassa), this strawberry produces superior seeds with large fruit size, sweeter taste, stronger fruit and not easily mushy, so it is safer for a long distance shipping.

Mencir strawberry tree has dense fruit, 1 bunch can produce 9-10 strawberries with large sizes, more resistant to viruses / fungi, and can adapt to the lowlands. On average, Mencir strawberry is sold from IDR 60.000-120.000 per/kilogram depends on the grade. The better grade, the higher price and quality.

The best grade is premium quality (super grade), if you want to try Mencir strawberry, premium quality, you can find and buy it at @myberryfarm (Instagram: ) or follow our Facebook Fanspage .

Have a berry nice day! Love you berry much! 🍓


  1. aku udah pernah cobain juga nih strawberrynya myberryfarm ini, sumpah emang bagus bagus banget. bentuknya juga gede gede, enak dan manis juga hihihi

  2. Ahhh, akutu suka sama strawberry, tapi biasanya diolah jus, soalnya ga berani asemnya.
    Tapiiii...My Berry Farm ini gude gude banget strawberry ya, ku kaget waktu itu pas dateng, dan lebih nikmat di makan langsung, soale manis.

    Tar mau pesen ah, buat dicemil.

  3. Mau nyobain juga strawberry dari @MYBERRYFARM. Aku anak pesisir dan nyari buah ini tuh gak selalu ada. Waktu-waktu tertentu deh baru ada yang jual. Seger banget kelihatannya

  4. Looks pretty, fresh & delicious. We frequently buy strawberries from the nearest shop. Hope we can have this quality in the future.

  5. wih, seger-seger banget strawberrynya mbak. kayaknya enak tuh dibikin minuman kekinian ala korea gitu. hehe.. boleh juga nih nyobain di @myberryfarm

  6. Sudah lama gak ke ciwideuy mbak, kangen banget sama ladang stawberrynya yang luas. terakhir kali kayaknya tahun 2016 apa yaa. buah strawberrynya merah, besar dan manis asem gitu. duh jadi auto ngalir alir liurku mbakk

  7. Strawberry buah kesukaanku ini, tapi kalau orang rumah kurang suka ngunyah secara langsung, maunya dibikin jus. Tapi kalau strawberry keluaran My Berry Farm ini buahnya ukurannya 'jumbo' dan rasanya manis ya. Dicamil aja sueger enak, apalagi diolah jadi minuman kekinian.

  8. wow! My Berry Farm's strawberry is bigger than strawberry in Indonesia market.
    jadi penasasaran pengen ngerasain gimana manis-segernya. Dari penampakannya yang merah merona udah bikin ngiler.

  9. di rumah juga nanam strawberry, dan tiap hari suka dipetikin sama si kecil kalau liat dikit udah ada yang mateng. Seneng makan strawberry langsung gitu. Dan begitu liat gambar dari Teteh my berry farm wah langsung kepikiran itu strawberrynya besar-besar bentuknya dan bagus-bagus. Jadi pengen coba ^^

  10. MasyaAllah cakep-cakep banget stroberinya, dirumah juga ada nanem tapi kecil-kecil jadinya hehe

  11. Wah keren ya buahnya besar-besar dan manis manis pula, aku pernah nanem eh malah mati, jadi penasaran dengan budi dayanya...

  12. Aku juga suka banget sama buah strawberry..
    Apalagi strawberry Bandung never failed. Selalu manismanis.
    Dan mashaAllah, ada berbagai jenis dan kualitas yang berbeda yaa.. Berry Farm juwara menyediakan buah strawberry segar.

  13. Selalu hadir di setiap foto makanan mpo karena bikin cakep tampilan makanan.

    Strawberry kurang suka rasanya. Asem banget

  14. Ya ampun. Seger2 banget liat strawberrynya. Gede2 gitu jadi pengen mengonsumsi juga. Jadi pengen ke bandung buat ngicipin strawberry khas bandung langsung 😍

  15. seger bangeeettt jadi kepengen pesen juga mbaa.. aku pernah beli stroberi fresh juga, kalau di sini banyak di kota batu. itu segerr.. tapi ga segendut itu. mungkin beda jenis yaa

  16. Baru ngeh loh tentang varian Mencir ini mba. Ternyata strawberry ada kelas-kelasnya juga ya.

    Berasa seger deh lihat foto-foto strawberrynya, duuh jadi pengin bikin jus strawberry nih.

  17. Thank you for choosing us to produce stickers .. We hope you can globalize your business as well.


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