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Children's Reading Interest

It's been a long time since the pandemic, I haven't been to a bookstore. Thank God, the lockdown is over. I'm so excited, my son asked to go to the bookstore. So, we headed to our favorite bookstore.

A little sharing about children's reading interest:

1. Parents who like to read can inspire children to like reading too, but of course this is not absolute thing.

2. The love of reading cannot arise by coercion.

3. The habit of reading such as; story telling or children'd bed time story also plays a big role in building their reading interest.

4. We have to realize that there are times when children don't want to read books. As parents, don't push them too much in reading, just take it easy.

Hmmm... It feels like just yesterday I bought a book for my son to learn A B C D. Now, he's 13 years old and he looks for engineering books. How time flies so fast! ️

How do I develop my child's interest in reading?

- Ensure access to books, printed books or e-books.

- Create a space for reading. Give him a cozy spot.

- Let him choose his favorite books.

- Make books special.

If you face a trouble, especially when your children don't want to deal with books, they are going to avoid it. They would think reading is not interesting and it makes them feel frustrated. You can try to create positive feelings. Making reading a treat, if your children are toddler, you can create a fun reading time for just the two of you. After that you can give them rewards as well. 

Children can lose interest in reading due to reading slump, tiredness, or too much screen time. Don't stop motivating and supporting them. Choose your best reading method. Reading is important because children will gain knowledge and discover information by reading books.

Let's educate our children in their best way. 

Happy reading!


  1. jadi teringat waktu aku kecil dan remaja dulu mba, paling seneng kalau diajak mampir ke gramedia.. soalnya bisa belanja buku yang kusuka! hehehe

  2. Betul ini, Mbak. Membangun minat baca anak enggak bisa dilakukan dengan paksaan. Jadi pelan-pelan aja, ya. Kebiasaan orang tua ternyata berperan penting.

  3. Ah setuju banget. Membangun munat baca itu susah

    Beruntungnya kalau anak udah ada kemauan baca dari kecil. Bisa terbiasa, emang lebih baik org tua mencontohkan yaa

  4. Ziaaa..mau tanya.
    Kalau anak sekarang tuh mereka cenderung cari informasi yang diinginkan di google kan.. Gimana mengarahkan kalo "Beli buku aja yuk.."

    Anakku gak suka beli buku tulisan semua..
    Sukanya komik. Huhu....

  5. Menjadikan baca buku sebagai habit, memang harus sejak kecil ya. Walau ada terpaan apa² mudahnya cek diinternet, tetapi baca buku fisik menjadi hal yang tetap unik

  6. Suka banget dulu kalo diajak quality time sama ayah ke toko buku. Padahal belum paham juga yang mau dibaca apa. Tapi ingatan itu tertanam, jadi kalo ke toko buku ingat Ayah :)

  7. thanks for the tips mba. memang betul.. thare are so. many benefits coming from reading and e have to create condition conducive for it

  8. Aku dari jaman kecil udah dibiasain ikutan kalo belanja buku dan milih sendiri, sampe besarnya malah pengen kerja di toko buku dan betah sampe 4,5 tahun hihihi

  9. Saya termasuk anak yang beruntung karena sejak kecil dikenalkan dengan toko buku. Malah Bapak saya kemudian kadang enggan ngajak saya soalnya kalau saya diajak, saya betah berjam-jam di toko buku! Gak mau pulang. Hahahha.

  10. Membangun minat membaca pada anak memang ga mudah, harus ada peran orang tua yang turut serta didalamnya. Salah satunya dulu pas kecil sering diajak ke toko gunung agung sama ibu haha explore buku sana sini, sampai akhirnya TGA tutup hiksss

  11. Anak jaman sekarang kayanya dikit ya yg gemar membaca. Kayanya lebih seneng buka tiktok deh.

  12. In my case, I have to force to read a book because at that time, I mean, when I was in senior high school, I don't like reading that much untul I decided to become blogger which the content that I should create is an article, thus I try to read a little bit of book, articles, novel, and so on. Then, this reading activity feels enjoy even at the first I have to force it.

  13. Setuju bahwa terlalu sering pegang gadget bisa menurunkan minat baca anak. Keponakanku salah satu contohnya. Tadinya suka baca / dibacain buku, akhir2 ini setelah lebih sering main HP jadi susah diajak baca buku.

  14. Waktu berlalu begitu cepat ya, baru kemarin belajar ABCD, sekarang udah remaja aja. Btw membaca buku ada kenikmatan tersendiri, ada ada ketenangan tersendiri saat membaca buku.

  15. Tak semua anak2 senang membaca, tapi ketika dia sudah menemukan sesuatu yang menarik dari jalan ceritanya, pasti membuatnya ketagihan membaca, biasanya perlu ada tambahan gambar juga sih.

  16. Bener banget poin nomor 1. Pernah berkunjung ke rumah saudara yang di kamarnya banyak koleksi buku, dan saya enggak heran karena ketika di ruang tamunya saja satu lemari besar isinya buku papanya. Sedangkan saya yang gak hobi baca buku, ya emang di rumah pun sejak kecil gak pernah lihat koleksi buku orang tua.


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