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Autumn, I'm in Love!

Autumn or fall is the season of the year between summer and winter, many plants become dormant because the weather becomes cooler. It's usually in the months of September, October, and November. In some other countries is on March, April, and May.

November is the last month of autumn. I have some friends who live abroad, when the season come they send me some photographs with the scenery of fall. I admire autumn, I'm falling in love with this season since a long time ago. It's really romantic and beautiful. I live in Indonesia, the tropical country with two season (wet and dry season), so, we don't have autumn here.

Autumn is very special, the leaves show its beautiful color turns. All combined together in a wonderful scenery; yellow, red, brown, and green. Albert Camus quoted “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”. I can't agree more. I got this beautiful photograph from my lovely friend in Uden, Noord Brabant. Her name is Desi, she's more than just a friend, because she can be a sister and even a parent. She is kind, funny, and caring person. She has been living in Netherlands for several couple years. 

She told me about autumn in Holland. Some people there always say "Ik hou niet van hersft, somber voelen.", it means they don't really like fall, it feels so gloomy. The weather changed drastically, from summer to colder temperature, the leaves fall and the sun is not so bright. But, some of them of course are very happy with the autumn because of the cool weather and the beautiful scenery of fall, and Desi one of them. I do love autumn as well, the trees fell asleep and leaves shed, prepare for the arrival of winter, they do not die because after that will come spring which has equally beautiful with the autumn.

“You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare against the wind and the cold, wintery light. But you knew there would always be the spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person died for no reason.” 
 (Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast)


  1. Cantik yaa daun2nya jadi warna oranye...

    1. Hai mba Riawani Elyta, Iya daun-daunnya jadi cantik. Mereka berguguran tapi pemandangannya jadi indah. Hehehe

      Terima kasih sudah mampir ya.

      Warm regards,

  2. 'when every leaf is a flower', yeah i think that's true^-^
    But you know what, I always have 'autum' in my backyard, especially in dry season and i don't have water to pour -__-
    Eniwe, i love your pic.

    Salam kenal mbak :) sori englishnya belepotan,silakan koreksi mbak :)
    *gak sopan, mampir kok minta koreksi*

    1. Hello mba Lidha,

      Yes! I also have 'autumn' in my neighborhood when dry season, but it looks messy, ain't' it? Hahahaha
      Hmmm... just wondering, why doesn't it look as beautiful as the place that really has autumn. lol :D

      Your English is good, mba. Hehehe

      Warm regards,

  3. Don't you have google friend connect makk? Mau tak follow, biar bisa saling follow follow an (RIPenglish)

    1. Hai mak Asti,

      Coba aja masuk ke blogger dashboard nanti di bawah sebelah kiri ada button add blog. Saya udah follow blognya mak Asti yang beautyasti1 yaaa...

      Sekarang udah saya pasang widgetnya.

      Makasih udah mampir. :)

      Warm regards,

  4. Sooooo beautifuulll maakl

    Saya pengen ke sana...?

    1. Hai Mak Noor

      Yes... It's so beautiful, and I'm in love with autumn for sure.

      Aamiin semoga bisa berkunjung ke sana suatu saat nanti ya, mak. *hugs!


  5. Situ buka, penampakan si autumn juga..huaaaa..cantik ya mbak :) pemandangan di photomu lebih meriah :)

    1. Iyaaa suka juga. Cantik banget. Aku suka foto2nya ka Dewi. :*


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